Jun 29, 2009

the other side of 2day...

Things turn out 2 be cool at first...was pardon 4 not bringing tie and then the torch relay started after a tlk abt H1N1.after that normal lesson-_-lame...come on~!!!other school who were part of the relay tlks abt AYG n we?!!I dont even know what route we we so called..Tanjong katong was called Route of RESPECT!WE??....then afternoon came...saw afiqah 4gt say hi...HI!...n then went 2 chem class.Khairiah got 2 go earlier as some1 from her family pass away.I'm sorry 2 hear that:(haix...life is unpredictable...shld not do wat i do last time...i nv treasure my close one...n now some of them are not w me:'(however great victory comes w GREAT SACRIFICE i lost tat person but nv lost a frend a way i lost last time...i back away n hope ppl arnd me is happy!im not regretin tis but regret my past move...Im sori!Anw condolence 2 khairiah family n close ones

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