Oct 15, 2010

today...the start of study leave

haix...i had a heavy heart to step out of bowen ytd...

ytd...our memories went back to sec1...i still rmb the first guy i met was idris...the we wlk arnd sch....so tats wat i did ytd...wlk the same route i took wen i first step in bowen.

then in class...we tlk abt how we grew up...kinda sad.felt like tearin...

mr ng tlk too...hmm he wanna cry?haix...

then the 5 of us wrote one list of the tings we did in bowen.after tat we go to all the place tat hold the memories.its been two years since we step into the toilet on the third floor..the toilet is whr we gt our serious first case.the first time all 4 of us gt into serious trouble...y 4 nt 5?cuz the 5th sabo....:)bt its ok:)...

then ya wlk to all the places...at last after sch we ate pizza...took pic...at last i gt the courage to call up to li fang...haix...

hmm then ya took two pic w other class ppl.n ya...ppl pls.don cum to me n ask me y i take pic w watever u call her.i don like it.i don say tat i wan flirt w her.its not bcuz of appearance.ok.i don care how he/she look.so pls stop tellin me shit.

then at last we play soccer...w bottle...cuz tats wat we played w wen we were in sec 1:Dhaha.damn childish all of us was...nice memories...haix...love it man.those were the time i didnt hv to worry abt gals-.-haha hy still rmb u tell me to look at gals eye?(u c i was scared tp look at gals in the eyes...bt hy dared me too...)after dare n dare...at last i look...thats wen shit start...thats wen i flirt...haha...dumb me...

i love you bowen.n i wan say sorry to those i hv hurt.i don noe wat is love.bt i rmb i felt it w u.
i actuali wanted to meet everyone of you.to tlk to u,to say sorry...bt...tings hapen.thx.thx 4 teachin me

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