May 28, 2009


so so my blog not in ENGLISH???so now ok?alright what happen today erm...last day in the malay class took pic n we gonna miss the room man....everything else was normal except the principle tlk....OYA!CONGRATS BOWEN GIRLS SOCCER TEAM!! the end of day it was good thx 2 her!!!:)make me so happy!tmr meet the parents session oh shit im dead!!!

May 27, 2009

again n agian

....first i wanna say 2 her the way i ask n tel u n the way U reply i cn c u don trust me...y???wats e prob??????.............haix...on the lighter side at least nv fight wif u tat long right?o ya rouhui thx again..i said i help u w the help of shafiq bt i nd u 2 b thr 2 u noe 2 guide...pop reachin i will mis my angels man n ny squad...n ya Xiangyi...

May 26, 2009

being tgt or nt being tgt

if nt being tgt we were so close but wen we bcum tgt we r separated is it not pointless or wat???it sux man!!!!its juct nt logic!!!

2day onli gt 2 hrs of notin but relax...rai group played games of life while me n hariz play soccer(in the class!!!)while waitin 4 hariz to sent me a game....dumb sia after bcum sux!!!!anw she again ask stupid question is it not obvious???wat 4gt everitin??NO WAY....tink lah not everytin is don noe

May 25, 2009

lols...2day 3 hrs again of notin bt games n 'picnic' n my group were sent 2 1 room n left thr 2 do anytin we wan...first start we eat...raihan brought brownies n it YUMMMMY!others brought light snacks...while me i brought my stomach!:)then played psp but atiq brought twister n tol me 2 join....reluctant at first bt its damn fun especially wen onli me n a girl left battlin out 4 the 'championship'...the gal gt it from me left right up down she cud nt stand horny jokes 2 bad!!!!my hand n legs were thr...n ehem ahahahahaha.....then 11 was recess after tat eng lesson...lame....rmb e teacher she was e wan i scolded bad word bt she was ok...sori cher....than group work sit bside her e video n argue a luk a purple ****!!!WOW! night wen bedok eat thr n rh sms(so random bt welcum gd gal)..............yeah n tats all folks!
25th may 1042pm....(i wil b doin tis cos the timin lari)

May 24, 2009

o ya one more ting i don hv many link sori...i also did not post the videoof the body being brought 2 shore but if wanna c the video may cum n c me in sch ppl..i wil show u...stay hapi ppl n treasure ur time w ur luv ones


life is fragile i admit it...2day wen 2 changi at 5pm..reach thr saw police tape around the trees separatin the coast n the sea..didnt noe wat hapen but realise tat some1 is misin thr since 2pm(tats wat i heard from one lady)...divers,coast guard n policeman were goin 2 n fro at e beach n sea...the pic of the diver is 2 prove tat they r doin their work bt thr were no result....around 1855hrs they were abt 2 gv up their search wen a woman shouted 2 one diver tat she saw a body floatin near the shore...everi body ran 2 the scene n yah...the body is thr...the body was so stiff n pale no one noe wether he is chinese or malay bt we r relive at least his body is recovered....but the sad part is his family was not thr 2 identify e is short people treasure it,luv ur family n frends n don take them 4 granted!as 4 the man lets pray tat he...REST IN PEACE...


always him him him f ah
seconds,mins,hours,days,month and years hv gone...soon I'll b passin on the baton 2 sec3 tis year...i have nv tot i wud cum tis far...
sec 1 i don reli like NP tinkin abt quitin bt...I DID NOT!WOW!
hu wud hv tot me ME!KHALID becum a NDP 2008 Parade Comander 4 bowen sec!i have to take tis apportuniti 2 thanks all CI from bowen tat gv me a lot of chance in NP...they are the 1 tat change me Thanks!!!I dont want 2 be separated from Np but i noe everitin i wud like to thanks OC Mrs li,TOs,HO HOE YEE sir,CIs n WCIs such as Madeline ma'am,Kenjy sir,Sze Herng sir,Qi Sheng sir,Rasyidin sir,Ong Jun Jie sir,Tian Soon sir,Chong Sian sir,Farhan sir,Vijay sir,Sharina ma'am.I also wanna thx my squadmates rouhui,shafiq,nabil,shairazi,Johnathan chu/lim,soon lam,Yijin,Jia wei,Khairiah,Xiangyi,Rosma,Dou heng,Huda,Yi Xiong if i mis any1 im sori but luv u people

May 23, 2009

special thx 2 GAY YI XIONG!!!He is always the one helpin n supportin me...sad tat he doesnt receive tat rank he was so cool!!!I LOVE YOU YIXIONG

the people hu receive the Staff Sergeant...Congrats peeps!!!!

...the 4 brothers hu help each other in times in nid

2dae is the dae

at last got the staff sergeant 2 say a little bit sad...aimin 4 SI cos i promise some1 its the effort tat counts u noe...some nv get SSGT wil it affect our relationship s a squad???i don noe..i hope nt....