May 24, 2009

seconds,mins,hours,days,month and years hv gone...soon I'll b passin on the baton 2 sec3 tis year...i have nv tot i wud cum tis far...
sec 1 i don reli like NP tinkin abt quitin bt...I DID NOT!WOW!
hu wud hv tot me ME!KHALID becum a NDP 2008 Parade Comander 4 bowen sec!i have to take tis apportuniti 2 thanks all CI from bowen tat gv me a lot of chance in NP...they are the 1 tat change me Thanks!!!I dont want 2 be separated from Np but i noe everitin i wud like to thanks OC Mrs li,TOs,HO HOE YEE sir,CIs n WCIs such as Madeline ma'am,Kenjy sir,Sze Herng sir,Qi Sheng sir,Rasyidin sir,Ong Jun Jie sir,Tian Soon sir,Chong Sian sir,Farhan sir,Vijay sir,Sharina ma'am.I also wanna thx my squadmates rouhui,shafiq,nabil,shairazi,Johnathan chu/lim,soon lam,Yijin,Jia wei,Khairiah,Xiangyi,Rosma,Dou heng,Huda,Yi Xiong if i mis any1 im sori but luv u people

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