May 24, 2009

life is fragile i admit it...2day wen 2 changi at 5pm..reach thr saw police tape around the trees separatin the coast n the sea..didnt noe wat hapen but realise tat some1 is misin thr since 2pm(tats wat i heard from one lady)...divers,coast guard n policeman were goin 2 n fro at e beach n sea...the pic of the diver is 2 prove tat they r doin their work bt thr were no result....around 1855hrs they were abt 2 gv up their search wen a woman shouted 2 one diver tat she saw a body floatin near the shore...everi body ran 2 the scene n yah...the body is thr...the body was so stiff n pale no one noe wether he is chinese or malay bt we r relive at least his body is recovered....but the sad part is his family was not thr 2 identify e is short people treasure it,luv ur family n frends n don take them 4 granted!as 4 the man lets pray tat he...REST IN PEACE...

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