Apr 30, 2010

gtin crazy...

haix...ckip heARin ur usual"hey wat...","its normal ok","haha no sucker"....n"nah my leg"...kip playin in my mind...k gd night ppl....wow my life gt sucks after barca lose...love you BARCA

waT THE FU**


N YIJIN...choose wisely i hope u happy...canoe suit u...

haix...wat the hell hapen...

wat was the atti 4?

the day stared of wel...
eng was molestin jon like mad...
dear ms rebbeca chua...IM KHALID NOT NURUL KHALIDA.i gt notin to hide nw yes ppl tis is m y female name gven my my dear teacher ms chua...
let me tell u all sumtin...ms chua n normala was so cute wen the argue...i was like their middle man...ms normala say sumtin to me to tel ms chua n ya vice versa....
bt it was cool though c-ing the teacher young side...

s.s was ok...i rmb the point bt didnt have enough time...
goin hm gt a little bull-ish...

joggin was fun..i gt to noe dear cousin spread my name so tats y no secret...
sharina n me share a little abt our "luv" life...cool congrats on 25th month anni!(it was ytd though)...
ya the bf wan spa...or is it spar?or should i just say fight 4 sharina?lol...me n her?...i do like her...s a very good frend n sis...she was thr 4 me...SO YA BRO WAITIN 2 SPA!mayb u win mayb nt bt watever it is she is urs BLOODY HELL 25th month!!i kill myself if i broke u up...
n sharina i waitin 4 ur KHALID IS THE BEST!

n thx lil bro n sis hu make me hapi!

Apr 29, 2010

day of laughter?

woah....came sch okok...

p.e cnt go...bla bla...a math gt piss bcuz like argue w sum1...i mean it wasnt my fault u show atti 4 wat...

then in class the f show me atti...(nt same person)
cb then just go off...PISSS!!!!!

bt thx kumar ben vellan..play soccer i was like kickin my anger w the ball...
then started to gt v crazy n was shoutin n shoutin!!!!
at last every anger in me cum out i feel like wow...so went to student hub...thr kumar tried to pump me down bt then i reverse him n then he drop!POWER...should have seen how we play...was like those little tiger fightin...up down we go..ok its more like p1 kid....bt it was fun!!ARH I LOVE MY BROS

Apr 28, 2010


haix...go sch....bla bla...eng paper 1 gd...2 die....f...

after tat wanted go hm...haix...damn sad...should i say more?
haix...so it rain...bt ya go run tryin do wat to myself?donoe...then tried doin hand stand...i can stay siol!3 sec skali my left and gv way fuckin pain!i litteralli shout out n ppl c sia...malu...
watch mindfreak..i love the way he tell kids nt to smoke.

Apr 27, 2010

remember this....

Let US always meet each other with SMILE, for the smile is the beginning of LOVE.

for who??

Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance and you find out you still care for that person

the first paper...

okie...came sch...gt abit shock c tat bff cum she wen i tot no nid...

blabla...paper 1 easy...paper 2...must i say it....FUCK....

wanted to go hm...bt then...haix...waited...didnt wanna go hm first...later quiet...

so ya....bt suddenli bus ride is still quiet...dumb la khalid...............................................................................................................

so gt hm...watch goDfather...oya did i tell u ppl?I BOUGHT GODFATHER 1 2 N 3!MY ALL TIME FAV!

Apr 26, 2010

wat the hell hapen..

goin sch...everytin was quiet...tried tlkin bt then abit...haix...

sch start...tried to b hyper...bt then...f sum1...cb i trusted...i was ok u tried learnin 1 or 2 from me bt then try 2 freakin backstab me?n THEN U FREAKIN THREATEN ME?WHO THE FUCK DO U YOU TINK U R?

damn bitch dont act!

haix..thnks to those hu asked me wat hapen...
thx vellan cuz his book make me feel better...u c...i don reli care abt how much i hate my life if thr is sum1 out thr hu nid me tellin me their prob n i can solve...the ting is,...i don care abt solvin my own life.if i help ppl i feel better..i help myself....

bff....whr r u...

Apr 24, 2010

the day time stood still....seems to

alamak....today time move freakin slow...is it good or bad?i want sch to start i dowan the test n studies just you....

mt class was a freakin slack class...didnt noe it was not compulsory..should nt hv cum...
after class mt class w teacher go eat at mac bt bcuz alot of ppl went to eat at kfc w hariz n zamir...
saw mrs adeline lee..w her daughter...
bla bla...at hm wanted to study bt then the curse still there wen my eye mit the word i fell to lala land...

bla bla bye...

to the cadet tat just piss me of...sori i don take tat excuse.

Apr 23, 2010

the last day b4 exam

o man 2day fri...

np was fun...slck a little...take pt n ran arnd sch...ok sec 3 gd job...

bla bla...physic...i gt lucky nv study like f n wen gt paper i won sum1 hu told me to study!shiok man!

bla bla...gt hm tired.tmr gt class...DAmn

Apr 22, 2010

to rh n shahira

thnk you 4 if u miss the squad the first person tat u c is me!so touchin!:")
i mis u too!thnks again i noe i crazy one...haha u too mah so crazy tgt k!
c u soon!

shahira thnk you 4 present its nice:D

y so much happenin?

alamak too much ting hapen...both good n bad....alamak cum one by one la...

p.e vellan n kumar argue about soccer...n wen in class told both of them they nid to kip their head...

bla bal...lunch time play w soccer ball ala poison ball...sudenli ben n kumar started to fight...fist fly...ben hit head n kumar wan whack...heh heh gd ting captain purple arnd!i got to stop them ...make joke tell them tat 5 yrs of friendship if broken by stupid ball game is freakin wastefull....

kumar n s.s kip sayin nt hapi wat da...

s.s again make a fool of myself by tryin act gd gv a point bt take point from wrong source...damn...i was nt payin attention actuali..was singin n kacau-ing kumar...

after sch take sis...k she manje2...cute...

alamak then the power ting...gt ppl tink abt me seh...
then still gt sum1 dream abt me sayin i like her power la:D:D:D:D

Apr 21, 2010


came sch nt early s plan...

math class sumtin hapen...
went to ms normala s usual...she told me to tell the class to gt ready...
i didnt reli do it w effort...n ms normala gt angry...i dont care if she was harsh nw bt then i gt angry n said f word a whole lot of time(if u my bro or sum1 close u noe im talented in sayin hundreds of f word in my sentences...)
so ya...test start n cute ms normala came n stick a note on my table...wah tat part i wan cry alr...
so i sms her n she nv reply!!!

bla bla....
at nite then say wanted me to worry hah you!damn bad like mad!
go rest la if u tired pandai!

anw i did my tinkin i gt bff nw!even though its nt suppose to b it...im still hapi abt tis outcome.

Apr 19, 2010

the best day in the week?

wat a start to a week:Dearly n fun:D

today did oral....didnt noe its prelim so go tlk cock...till of course ppl tell me its prelim!!!DAMN!

hey to the gal,
its an honour to noe sum1 tat "love" me tat much...bt especially wen u say i love you 4ever i cnt trust tat..im sori...

thx tat u care love u peeps

Apr 18, 2010

thanks too...


for the hand made pillow!its really nice n lovely!hope i wont slp n drool on it!

but thanks its reli nice knowin how doin tis pillow should have taken u a lifetime to figure out how to make...ITS VERY VERY NICE

the ting tat hapen ytd...

oya i 4gt...i went hm damn late ytd..
alone in mrt lookin at couple snogin n stuff entertain the boredem i felt...

WELL i gt to say NPAP were v gd!even though the parade commander uses mic,the way he commanded were awesome!

ok i gt to cck v early alone so wlk arnd n eat alone...
nice n bad memories came back...u c i live in cck b4:D
so ya wlk arnd then right after finish eatin boon liang called say he arrived at lot 1..
so tgt w him wlk abit...saw dawn...
then vijay n jeremy joined...

at hq we were jokin arnd...wow it amaze me how vijay n jaremy r sumhow like me!power!
gals group came bt didnt interact w them tat much...
saw sharina n her bf POWER LA both were flag contigent commander n both look smart!
after parade it was already night bt still wlk arnd hq lookin 4 sharina...
wen lookin i scared sia wat hapen last time hapen again...(another sharina would pop out...oooo)
so ya sis power la!

a bad gd day?

woke up early mornin to go gym...haix...sian...no sms........

went back hm did little work n hmwk...cudnt gt idea in head...y...cuz a prob is buggin me.

the tings i heard n c just suck.y must tis hapen?i kip sayin i go 4 it bt damn it backfire n fuck!

Apr 17, 2010

how awesome!

didnt noe tat a meteor shower light up the sky!


today power la!must do post nw later will go hm late...

today woke up usual to go sch n prepare speech day....i lost my voice bt yeah still did it

shafiq n others came power la!my nips kena bt gd ting nt tat painfull:DDDD


k la today cn say v nice:D

Apr 16, 2010

a day after

k it was cool tings gtin back to norm.bt the nt nice part everytime i hear or noe the truth it sucks...
bt hu cares...u don...i shud nt...right.

so ya thx n i didnt noe i gt adik IPAR!(is tat how u spell?umm)


Apr 15, 2010

to ppl hu not so well today!

take care eat med k!slpy head wake up n eat!

wat hapen da!take care bcareful on those legs!

ITS my bdae!

alright at last yeah its my bdae:D
cn say tis is nt the happiest bdae bt ya thnk god it didnt gt worst!

well im sorry if i nv say its my bdae.actuali i wan to 4gt abt it.cuz 4 right wat?bt still it show hu rmb...lol...

thnk you 4 singin in class.thnk YOU TO PPL HU WISH ME HAPPY BDAE!thnk you faj n hy 4 accompanyin me to foyer n entertain my nonsense bt u guys were great!raj thx 4 makin me wet!hariz thx 4 the cut.thx ben kumar n vellan 4 the "FUN" we had!

the sad part y must fight...sec 5 still wan tlk abt color n being sore loser...
vellan keep ur cool...