Apr 21, 2010


came sch nt early s plan...

math class sumtin hapen...
went to ms normala s usual...she told me to tell the class to gt ready...
i didnt reli do it w effort...n ms normala gt angry...i dont care if she was harsh nw bt then i gt angry n said f word a whole lot of time(if u my bro or sum1 close u noe im talented in sayin hundreds of f word in my sentences...)
so ya...test start n cute ms normala came n stick a note on my table...wah tat part i wan cry alr...
so i sms her n she nv reply!!!

bla bla....
at nite then say wanted me to worry hah you!damn bad like mad!
go rest la if u tired pandai!

anw i did my tinkin i gt bff nw!even though its nt suppose to b it...im still hapi abt tis outcome.

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