Apr 30, 2010

haix...wat the hell hapen...

wat was the atti 4?

the day stared of wel...
eng was molestin jon like mad...
dear ms rebbeca chua...IM KHALID NOT NURUL KHALIDA.i gt notin to hide nw yes ppl tis is m y female name gven my my dear teacher ms chua...
let me tell u all sumtin...ms chua n normala was so cute wen the argue...i was like their middle man...ms normala say sumtin to me to tel ms chua n ya vice versa....
bt it was cool though c-ing the teacher young side...

s.s was ok...i rmb the point bt didnt have enough time...
goin hm gt a little bull-ish...

joggin was fun..i gt to noe dear cousin spread my name so tats y no secret...
sharina n me share a little abt our "luv" life...cool congrats on 25th month anni!(it was ytd though)...
ya the bf wan spa...or is it spar?or should i just say fight 4 sharina?lol...me n her?...i do like her...s a very good frend n sis...she was thr 4 me...SO YA BRO WAITIN 2 SPA!mayb u win mayb nt bt watever it is she is urs BLOODY HELL 25th month!!i kill myself if i broke u up...
n sharina i waitin 4 ur KHALID IS THE BEST!

n thx lil bro n sis hu make me hapi!

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