Apr 15, 2010

ITS my bdae!

alright at last yeah its my bdae:D
cn say tis is nt the happiest bdae bt ya thnk god it didnt gt worst!

well im sorry if i nv say its my bdae.actuali i wan to 4gt abt it.cuz 4 right wat?bt still it show hu rmb...lol...

thnk you 4 singin in class.thnk YOU TO PPL HU WISH ME HAPPY BDAE!thnk you faj n hy 4 accompanyin me to foyer n entertain my nonsense bt u guys were great!raj thx 4 makin me wet!hariz thx 4 the cut.thx ben kumar n vellan 4 the "FUN" we had!

the sad part y must fight...sec 5 still wan tlk abt color n being sore loser...
vellan keep ur cool...

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