Apr 22, 2010

y so much happenin?

alamak too much ting hapen...both good n bad....alamak cum one by one la...

p.e vellan n kumar argue about soccer...n wen in class told both of them they nid to kip their head...

bla bal...lunch time play w soccer ball ala poison ball...sudenli ben n kumar started to fight...fist fly...ben hit head n kumar wan whack...heh heh gd ting captain purple arnd!i got to stop them ...make joke tell them tat 5 yrs of friendship if broken by stupid ball game is freakin wastefull....

kumar n s.s kip sayin nt hapi wat da...

s.s again make a fool of myself by tryin act gd gv a point bt take point from wrong source...damn...i was nt payin attention actuali..was singin n kacau-ing kumar...

after sch take sis...k she manje2...cute...

alamak then the power ting...gt ppl tink abt me seh...
then still gt sum1 dream abt me sayin i like her power la:D:D:D:D

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