Jan 14, 2011

first np training


but was lucky it started late:))

yrah right after that when back bowen to take care of stuff...

hmm at first got to take care of sec1 since rox late but ya didnt tlk to sec1 instead leave them to shar n so i wen to sec 2...hmm...wat cn i say...their attitude is reli good...
standard not thr yet but hapi still s tis is after all the first day

then go hy hse to get the papers...th alot hy:)))

go hm..v tired..actually slept whole journey...
wen i was goin to alight i look at tis two couple right bside the door...ok they were like making out...i still feel slpy UNTIL the gal raise her hand!damn!
i so sori to gals if tis is a sensitive issue but that gal didnt shave her armpit hair!come on!u wearin tank top n nv shave!
ok to gv her sumtin at least it wasnt tat long but ya its kind of...disgusting?
but it woke me up though:)

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