Jan 26, 2011

cikgu khalid in da he:)))

HELOOO!i experience wat teacher go thru myself:)

well of cuz they r primary sch kid(im nt suppose to tell wat sch):)

the mitin was slack...after which i went out from the rm to proceed to my class:)at first was kinda scary cuz im not suppose to treat them s cadet bt the other teachers said they believe i cn kip discipline.how do i do that wen i cnt pum p them or even say a bad word!
that was wat was goin thru my mind...wen the chinese teacher wen off..i came in.hand crossed n try look serious...bt they CUTE SIOL!the teacher that introduce me had to shout at them cuz they were noisy...

at last i was left alone:)i straight away tell them i wan discipline at highest level cuz i rom np:P
they were awed by it n yeah the class was fun:)some were smart bt reli monkey!i had to shout n all look at me stun.hehe that was the cutest moment cuz u cud c their eyes wide open...some hu were disturbin others stop half way n stay at the position...

hehe...then i tried to instead take tis a camp n gv them the clap tingy.they like it:)

some gals even blush wen u tlk to them-.- n they priary three!their cheek wen bright red!
some every 5 mins come up to ask came to help:)n i was like wat class u from.they ansed"we from 2 kindness teacher:)"
abt spellin n stuff:)
i took pri 3 n 4:)hy took another class:)CIKGU NUR SEH!!!!she gt naughty class haha
oya i even drop my file n book wen wlkin bck to mitin rm n it was nice to c 5 student

haha n shiok was tat wen i wlk n student c they wud greet:)cn i say they better than np cadet?in some aspect they actually DO!

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