Feb 3, 2011

super super shiok day

first a hapi hapi chinese new year to all my chinese frends:)

well today my family too had reunion....my dad side...n was held at east coast park:)

its was super fun n thr was hyriah n safree(sis bf) along w us:))

though saf nv reli mix w us:P

me my lilsis n bro reli had fun w hy...we play "parkour",throw rocks,draw n ya took lots of pic tgt:)
hy was reli fun:)

oya we bike too...me n hy on the two paddle while my lil sis on the individual bike...while ridin i scare hy by tryin to fall...we saw tis giant spider too!GIANT!
n ya then the accident hapen:(i gt too close too sis rear wheel n we collide.i gt to jump out in time but i hurt my leg.but hy was pitiful.since she was my 'pillion' she gt stuck:(

oya the brake broke too!hy say we will hv to pay n hellno i noe im nt goin to.
went to the bike shop.(told hy im goin do a little drama)
i met the guy n told the guy to call the boss.then i make a scene-..-wasnt reli needed bt ya.
at first it was ok cuz im actin until hy told me to relax.then ''sumone'' asked from bhind"wat happen boy"(he touch me)i push the hand n hit the guy cap.i turn n realise tat it was my uncle-.-

so ya we no nid pay n ya it was fun.hy i tink first time saw tat:P

the rest of the day was fun fun fun.love today alot!

thank hy too for being a good sportwoman:P

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