Feb 22, 2011

final range duty?

woke up n did a little push up n sit up...

gt ready for range duty...

met amelia at bishan then come shazli...

n ya gwen n kenneth...
at cck met thinesh n so the range duty squad is ready..

s usual khaliesah n xin yi was thr...

we took the van(whr the bring prisoner arnd..)i was the last out n wen u pull the door clse it wen off!i was like wtfUCK!
i stood thr holdin the door which is hangin out.shazli n thinesh were like laughin their ass out n jokin i too strong today.we left the door danglin(cuz the lower part is still a little attached)we search for f.i.at last gt f.i ray:)
he was like laughin too n like how the f ew goin fix tis.i suddenli thought the idea of pushin the door back.so i whack it in n yeah it was fix!thats how easy prisoner cn run!

i was attached to the control room w thinesh though khaliesah kip cumin in to tlk:)
the range damn big compared to 2nd floor...

at last we gt to shoot.me thinesh n another chinese guy.i won:)all in nt even a single bullet out:))))

they want to eat tgt n i like ps cnt:P
gwen tot i mitin gf-.-

n ya gt hm bathe,eat n then check fb.we were like cyber bully...bully tis 1995 boy cuz he act smart...

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