Feb 25, 2011

EXciting day!

hello!today gt sudden burst of hardworkin adrenaline in me.so i kind of did lots of hsewrk:)
also feel very holy which make me play the prayers cd...instead of the usual songs:)
i donoe wats wrong w me..

then at np i suddenli gt the mood to scold.its been a long time since i felt so...angry...so good.its like the rage in me just wan to take over.so i go to every squad n gt every little mistake even playin their finger abit also i angry.

then took the sec 3 drills.brought them down n ya one dear cadet was pulled out by ann.
just after i told the sec 3 tat ann is one of the ppl that actually help me up n just as i turn away from tat cadet being punished he actually stood up took out his freakin bracelet n put it on as if its brass knuckle-.-wen i turn it was tat time tat he kind of take one step forward to mayb attack ann?and out of instinct i kind of try separate him maybe cuz of the anger in me tat cadet flew ff n tumble over.n ya like b4 wen i c my enemy down i will wan to finish him off n good ting cyrus,james n ann stop me.i still wasnt happy but ann took over and act very professionally tat reli sumtin i don tink i wud do right after sumone threaten to whack which is why i respect ann alot.the cadet reli is one of the greatest cuz its othe second time i nearly whack him.the first was wen i was nco n xiangyi had to hold me.

lol wen the cyrus n james tell me tat the cadet seems so light wen i push it kind of motivate me to take pt.i took though its a little failure cu nt reli into v fun pt.prefer firm pt...

thx hy for passin me the choco

n ya happy bdae ann!like i told many others for me bdae gal or boy is the prince n princess of the day n hellno no one touch the bdae boy especially some1 so nice like ann:)oya tats y im nt into burfday bash:)

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