Feb 14, 2011

love..is in the hair...

haloe!today woke up n ya do hsewrk then gt ready to go out w hy:)
i nv reli celebrate valentine...so hy is free we go out tgt:)

erm..go suntec...donoe wat to do so want catch a movie:)
but the eng wah sucks man

sori eng wah.

hy was nice to entertain me.i like a boys home boy bcum childish:P

it was good n yeah met jayraj w his gf.hy gt to c how good lukin he is:0hehe
met wei sheng too at arcade
play ufo catcher:)i kind of owned the place man!
i gt a wats tat ting name?donoe la tis big alien bear n ya i wanted gt a second one so tat i gt one n hy gt one.
bt another couple try to gt it.they suck at it
so i told them how to win one.
nv listen so they nv win.i took over n w tat i won!wei sheng damn shock!his gf was like wow.
i gt xtra token.wanted gt one for his gf bt didnt gt:P

met mr sgn too on mrt haha tat guy joker

thx man to wei sheng,his gf jess,sgn,jayraj,adiba(jay gf) n ya to HYRIAH!

oya..love is in the AIR

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