Feb 24, 2011

hi hi...

ytd wen back sch to relief...
took 3 n 4 diligence.

pri 3 so cute at first they like naughty..i told one boy to sit infront n he took his own sweet time.
i wen over carry his chair n tat too impress them especially tis very very naughty gal call young!
she came to me n cikgu u very strong.i like feel abit weird but said thx n told her to sit.
then wen i gt 15mins left i teach them to sing burunf kakak tua:)
they sang 4 mee two maalay song an yea it was touchin n the followin conversation w them goes like tis

me"class ur voice is like an angel!i love you guys man!thnk u so much!"
class"teacher we love you too"
me"ok i shall record your voice so tat i listen to it every night b4 i slp k?"
young"Eeeee dowan*hide under table"
me"young im nt goin to take a vid of u just record ur voice ok?"
young"oh paiseh:P"

then ya wen i told them i wont come bck they all come n say "we be very good teacher u cn come 10 hundred million time(don ask me y its tat number) pls"

at last i gt to go:'(

wen inside pri 4 n ya very very naughty.jasmine n gang kip gigglin n i was like damn irritated.but ya after the class the p4 ask me 4 number n fb which i cudnt reli gv out:'(

tdy...just PATHetic

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