Jan 4, 2011


arh...its a chore now to update blog...

i kind of bz...either np,helpin ppl out or just bz ''restin''

anw...i wen to my lil sis sch today...n im like..wtf!their skirt is so tight n short!n the the damn d.m was goin on n on abt how they r strict w the attire n discipline!O.O


ok tmr goin bowen...s alumni.wat wud it feel like?that time wen i came back i feel kind of weird...thr was nobody arnd except np ppl hu seems not to want c me n thr...but ya the aunties thr were nice.they were eatin their lunch n wen i came in all of them wen a ah boy!How r u?,,,stuff like that...hmm love it to look at them smilin like that

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