Mar 18, 2011

they...make me life

it great.second day.

i try to c if they ok im nt w them n from their respnse they wan me thr.

during npap.i gt so angry n nearli gt violent.until we gt t sit down tgt n the blody cmplainer hu kip sayin i too fast got shoot back.

F.I say my cntigent the best n my salute n march past the best.i even had t teach all the other cont cmmander.n i noe sum ppl nt hapi.

f.i kip sayin i gd which i tink ppl nt hapi abt.tho my batch mates in lg n other kip comin to me n say my cont best.

wen i go hm w shaz i ask him if ppl tlk abt me n ya he said"cb.everybody telin tat u hot n ur cont great!even apple steam sak!(apple v difficult to make hapi (last time))
he say the ppl thr say 6 is gd cuz train by me.which i beg to differ cuz i tink the cadet is great to begin w.

f.i wan make me teach G.O.H.i help out awhile n i say i wan my cont back.soon i gt to noe the goh cadets say they wan me teach.n b their trainer.

its to good to b true.but it will end soon:(sadli,

i add my cadets n realise i tink sum of them began to like me.haix.
i also kip kacau them say tis n tat n i read their cmment.its disturbin t read "mamat handsome nk check boot...polish tau"
n "aww he touch my hand...he shake my hand n tlk to me..."n she carry n to type dwn wat i say in her fb-.-

Mar 17, 2011

suppotin cont 6

im the cont commander of sc6.area 13,14 and to ne i hv the biggest supportin cont.n the f.i trust me to take it alne wen others gt 2 ppl

but i love being able to b alone tho...
the cadets...i tink i was too fierce...n sumtimes to frendli...

but f.i mention my name s role model n from wat other d10 said,they tink im great...

excpt for lexus hu say i too fierce n one cadet go ans for me n say she dont find me fierce n luv me-.-

quite touch on how the cadets reli...wanna make me hapi.i was reli angry n tell them i wudnt scold them n just watch.tell them i gv them the break but ya they came n say sori n promise to do better...cute u noe...

then two gals from other squad cum to me n say they wan join me if cn which i said no..;politeli.onli 1 guy say he at first hate me till he realise he gt the wrng guy.

love u sc6....kinda miss u ppl nw

Mar 14, 2011

NPAP first raining...opps training:)

14th march 2010:)
i receive my contigent.i got 6 and area in it are 13th,14th and 19th:)

came one minute late:Pjoey shout out t me."wah trainer late!" the onli C.I wear hm clothes:Pw half u/

hmm briefin waws late...

wen we wen to drill shed thr is alot of cadet...all blur done whr to was weird cuz the trainers like me was wearin full-u n the logis were in pt-kit.....they kip sayin hi to me.giggle n ya all sorts of ting.i soon noe y:Pblush*

at last i gt my cont in one place.i tlk to them.laugh make joke.then after i gt to noe a little abt them i teach them some baton drill.we were at grand stand n ya i was the onli one teachin...f.i faisal came n say good job keep it last other cmanders follow.tho sum still slackin.

im not sayin im good cuz i too play alot.but discipline first.
wen break time many gal logis after another.i was like hello i tot amelia posted to me-.-

we got down to unity a little dril...

de-briefin my name was call out as example of nt wastin time:)wen i wan go hm jiamin shout my name then come to me n say she very proud:)
haha jiaminO.O

wlk to busstp alone...damn it was freakin dark!N IM ALONE!then skali gt tis indian guy cum!my heart nearly stop.husnul n ray came n tell me to eat tgt but i reject...

then go hm w amelia cuz met her at cck...
she tell me wat the log gals tlk abt me:P

oya jiamin just sms!wooohooo

Mar 9, 2011


lol tats for F.I azri:)

haha he cud still kacau me after gvin a touchin story abt his journey as f.i

today was fun:)
the supportin cont commmanders gt to b w ourself n we kind of make a pact
n ya i told myself to step up to the occasion and ya i tink i did today.tho thr were senior w us i kind of nt b nervous n take it s cool as possible leadin the commanders up n down drill shed...

haha azri wanted punch me cuz of my left to kip tat in mind:P

hmm...bought bro bdae present:)

oh yeah thx tham li yan for invitin me n tlkin to her oc for me to come to her sch:)
don worry bowen i love u most:)goin thr take their nco drills:)cnfrm they don like but yea u cares:P

okay nadia tell me this is the classic khalid's question...U MISS ME?

Mar 7, 2011

drill standa...standarddi...fuck-.-

helo its my first drill thiny:)so kind of new...i arrive at cck...nt mitin anyone but saw sai..

go hta alone though...then mit rabani at the busstop.we ice break thr n then the malay guys came...hmm wat cn i say they like the chill ppl?
they kacau the pc for npap tat i will take nt planin to n will nt:)
firdaus my shi fu ma...

then follow the malay guys to f.i room to change...n so we were stripin n f.i ray was slackin..then a 'gal' c.i open the door ask for dominic sir...ray was like lai la lai la....then skali jason(S.C.I) say nt here maam...n then we realise it was commandant-.-ray like oh shit im dead...

the other f.i come in change n ya we proceed to everst for briefin..
we gt to choose wat we want..actuali say wat we wud like..they wan me put p.c as 4 or 5th choice bt nah...
n ya the thy is my d10 mates:))
so ya the trainin abit nt wat i expect...
d10 were hit on to go out n 'teach' so lucky enuf im nt chosen...

haix but tink we let the jiamin down.:((

wen wan go hm the malay ppl insist i go eat wen i say i gtg husnul was alrite(the onli wan) cuz the other was tellin me its disapointin i choose gal then members.rabani say baek khalid nk choose pepek dari kawan...

haha...just as i tot husnul were cool w me goin he shout out kirim salam he cute ah...

k la thx ppl:)