Mar 9, 2011


lol tats for F.I azri:)

haha he cud still kacau me after gvin a touchin story abt his journey as f.i

today was fun:)
the supportin cont commmanders gt to b w ourself n we kind of make a pact
n ya i told myself to step up to the occasion and ya i tink i did today.tho thr were senior w us i kind of nt b nervous n take it s cool as possible leadin the commanders up n down drill shed...

haha azri wanted punch me cuz of my left to kip tat in mind:P

hmm...bought bro bdae present:)

oh yeah thx tham li yan for invitin me n tlkin to her oc for me to come to her sch:)
don worry bowen i love u most:)goin thr take their nco drills:)cnfrm they don like but yea u cares:P

okay nadia tell me this is the classic khalid's question...U MISS ME?

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