Mar 18, 2011

they...make me life

it great.second day.

i try to c if they ok im nt w them n from their respnse they wan me thr.

during npap.i gt so angry n nearli gt violent.until we gt t sit down tgt n the blody cmplainer hu kip sayin i too fast got shoot back.

F.I say my cntigent the best n my salute n march past the best.i even had t teach all the other cont cmmander.n i noe sum ppl nt hapi.

f.i kip sayin i gd which i tink ppl nt hapi abt.tho my batch mates in lg n other kip comin to me n say my cont best.

wen i go hm w shaz i ask him if ppl tlk abt me n ya he said"cb.everybody telin tat u hot n ur cont great!even apple steam sak!(apple v difficult to make hapi (last time))
he say the ppl thr say 6 is gd cuz train by me.which i beg to differ cuz i tink the cadet is great to begin w.

f.i wan make me teach G.O.H.i help out awhile n i say i wan my cont back.soon i gt to noe the goh cadets say they wan me teach.n b their trainer.

its to good to b true.but it will end soon:(sadli,

i add my cadets n realise i tink sum of them began to like me.haix.
i also kip kacau them say tis n tat n i read their cmment.its disturbin t read "mamat handsome nk check boot...polish tau"
n "aww he touch my hand...he shake my hand n tlk to me..."n she carry n to type dwn wat i say in her fb-.-

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