Mar 7, 2011

drill standa...standarddi...fuck-.-

helo its my first drill thiny:)so kind of new...i arrive at cck...nt mitin anyone but saw sai..

go hta alone though...then mit rabani at the busstop.we ice break thr n then the malay guys came...hmm wat cn i say they like the chill ppl?
they kacau the pc for npap tat i will take nt planin to n will nt:)
firdaus my shi fu ma...

then follow the malay guys to f.i room to change...n so we were stripin n f.i ray was slackin..then a 'gal' c.i open the door ask for dominic sir...ray was like lai la lai la....then skali jason(S.C.I) say nt here maam...n then we realise it was commandant-.-ray like oh shit im dead...

the other f.i come in change n ya we proceed to everst for briefin..
we gt to choose wat we want..actuali say wat we wud like..they wan me put p.c as 4 or 5th choice bt nah...
n ya the thy is my d10 mates:))
so ya the trainin abit nt wat i expect...
d10 were hit on to go out n 'teach' so lucky enuf im nt chosen...

haix but tink we let the jiamin down.:((

wen wan go hm the malay ppl insist i go eat wen i say i gtg husnul was alrite(the onli wan) cuz the other was tellin me its disapointin i choose gal then members.rabani say baek khalid nk choose pepek dari kawan...

haha...just as i tot husnul were cool w me goin he shout out kirim salam he cute ah...

k la thx ppl:)

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