May 31, 2010

many tings hapen!

ok gt to make tis fast.
bro came back from brunei n he said he ate maggot n eat taste nice like sausage..eww...

fri went cyclin...end up cyclin w LIONEL LEWIS(singapore goalkeeper)n at last other s league join which i quickly dissapear...

sat...borin...n adeeq went to pelegong a little ting to last wen day end i was so tired n sick...
k then adeeq came back!heloo!!!!!

today mt was ok...

notin interestin...
read a piss...
gv advise...
n nw im dead bored...time to do sum stuffffff...
oya shar thx 4 the kamus bt alast cnt use cuz gt writin..anw u look damn swit in the tudung....(should i b sayin tis?)

erm...ya wen i run met ex bowenian....oya i cycle mewt n ex bowenian too...from ncc...4gt his name...

May 26, 2010

o o tmr last day walao i hate tis...cnt mit ppl i wan

came sch early...ben nt in sch...
so i kacau my class ppl...i was hyper crazy draw n draw pooh...
then mr soo cnt cum class so i "take" over hehe...

ms chua kacau me again>:(

after sch follow vellan n go blanja him...
went np abit kacau...n ya will help u do up the idea on sumtin...k i hapi

May 25, 2010

im so touch!

came sch was a bit is gtin much more i climb the stairs way faster than afiqah...wat hapen gal?

sch was fun...
kacau ms rebecca chua at recess time cuz she want cut q i i say stand bhind...n wen she came to class late she told the class it was my fault-.-
bt ya joke joke...finish class also kacau her...she gv me tat face!

wanted to go then nv...kacau np awhile n teach them cheats...
goin hm abit sad cuz my back gtin worst...haix wtf kHALID!!!

still nd do paper 4 dear ''tutor"...though did nt do straight i did finish...
sms abit...n ya DURUGAA CALL!!!yeah my girlfrend from carrefour till she "ditch" me 4 sum1 else...she told me she angry cuz nv contact so long...haha...
n then kalai sms me tat touch my heart tis is one part of it,"thank you.i'm glad to meet a good senior which is you"...notin is edited here...i still rmb he came first to carrefour lookin a little lost n then i crack sum joke n ya teach him cheats n gv him notes...n ya realise he is a clean freak bt then he v close to me...still rmb his reaction wen he realise hy sick(the way he signal me)LOL...

then ya sms sum1...sori im nt a veri gd advisor bt tats how much i cn help...
adeeq!gd job on cutin down!rmb go sch!n SCH DON SLACK GV PPL LIKE HER A CHANCE!i hate sch like hers...LOVE BOWEN!

n ya 2day i wanted to sms hariz abt sumtin bt acci sms normala...i peng the story bhind the sms n she was kind enough to say she try to believe...hehe...peace...

spine spine i love u don gv up on me

May 22, 2010


okie 2day fun...played w dad...
hey hapie bdae KHAIRIAH!
17 yrs old alr!!1 more yr left!

hey anw today ok my leg is gd!haha wolverine wat...

erm notin else actually...bye!

May 21, 2010

cross country!

its was a...nice day...

gt jealous...

blabla....cross country....haix...!!!!!!!!!khalid khalid...
best part...fall down...i actualli black out 4 a moment n wen i woke up the gal tat stop infront of me gv tat stupid face cb!!!!

bt anw...after tat went to tamp mall...

then we celebrated mine n hy's bdae!cool!the cake was beautiful(rouhui deco)n the cake was nice..we were playin arnd n my face again kena...
woah fun like mad...
tired afiqah u ok?wen i runin pass i heard tat u wasnt

May 20, 2010

to aravind

hey bro thx yo...i tink u like...the best....fb follower sial...
lots of pic u hv comment on n i appreciate it...
n walao pai seh wen isaac posted he angkat bolah eh...haha...;P

it was a class picture takin day!

came sch was a little more hapi than gt hyper!miss being hyper...
gt to noe gt pic takin...

eng was fun...though like i did like shit 4 mid yr ms sunita seh i cnt tlk better then i write wen i did oral...

mt was....slack?cnt awit 4 mr ismail to read zamir's n my ans...muahaha^^

photo takin gt a little bit of normala piss of one gal..i came tlk n she didnt wan to go...
at last wen she came another x tra teacher went to scold the "class" the gals storm ya though i wanted to stop all tis it still hv to go on...
wen wanted to do informal i told ms normala tat i wan bside her she laugh n ya ok w it bt then cnt-.-stupid photographer...
then second chance came ms normala gave me sum space N THEN they needed 5 guy to sit on the floor n we 5 bro had to>:(
i look at ms normala tot she wud like at least show a litte sori 4 me n yet she laugh!!!walao...
bt it was fun time another chance wud nt run away

May 19, 2010

For the upcomin leaders

just nw didnt hv lot of time to tlk...

audrey u live up to my expectation.the first time i mit u i told my fellow nco ta u wud make a v gd leader n today it was proven.

afiqah i always say u v soft cnt shout n dare u was cute u took up the challenge.
dont b sad tat the squad is nt s cooperative s audrey's.4 me takin sec 1 is 1 of the toughest job.
though i last time wan bcum i noe it was difficult tats y u shud nt b sad or demoralised.
i wan take sec 1 also to make n elite squad.the titans.

sharina thanks for sayin im a gd leader..sumtin like tat.

tats y i wanna share.
4 me thr is two type of leader.
the one take scold n the one tat b frends.
the one tat scold gt alot of tings done s ppl is scared of them.however their cons is cadet do nt reli dare share tings.
a frendli leader gt the cadet to share however if nt control tings will gt out of hand.

next time i mit n gt time to share i tell u hw lots of leader gt tings right

Mr PM LEE comes to bowen!

yeah!it was a gd day today!

mornin a still ya the smile win everytin

practice was gd...n THEN!we had to slack at cabin n tats was the worst mistake.
ppl started to slack n b over confident!
Mr PM Lee come n we perform...some ppl drop bt it too much of a waste i mean some drop is ok bt some ppl hu drop bcuz dowan 2 put up a gd show is too much.
however Mr PM lee was funny...n nice..

buli raj cuz of ehem...haha was fun...

wanted to go hm bt wanted to mit sum1...
so wen back was FUN!
the cadets were first their skit gt me in it bt the actor act like pussy!i was like M I LIKE TAT!?afiqah was nice to layan me...sharina also hehe...
jokin w both of them was fun especialli wen i nv tlk to them 4 so long...
the cadets is reli nice to me.its n honour to b praise n gt tat kind of respect

May 18, 2010

cb world....

i donnoe alr...i gt limits ppl pls....
don push it. fact everytin SUCKS

May 15, 2010

wanted to day to end fast sucks..

just wanted today to end..damn sad

May 14, 2010

back in np...

today was cool...kinda...well gt result...wasnt s bad s i tot it wud b:P

blabla....tlk to ben today...everytin goin b cool...finger cross...

jon again came to me 4 a feelin one of tis days...sumtin goin to hapen real hope nt...

np was fun...n tiring...fatigue TAU!
bla bla...met huda..cantik nye!!!

balik hm i accidentli i late arnd 3 i call mum tell mum i b goin hm abit later cuz i lost..mum tell me nt to gt into trouble i started to ran..shiok siol w bag on wearin track pant n np shirt i ran all the way..k more to jog...
the fun part i wanted take short cut n tis devil in me 1 sumtin fun so all the way hm i did noob jumpin here n thr...didnt dare jump up high bt down yes...cuz gt hm in like less then 7 mins?haha n i beat a bus...of course thx to mr traffic light n shortcut...

May 13, 2010

to my dearest "stead"

u will b readin tis and many others....y?
cuz i wan tis to b a witness.
wat had hapen?the ting is...all my life b4 tis i NEVER NEVER TRUSTED friends.
i use i play them...maybe nt u were parents always tell me.frends is nt then i wan to b w u.though ya sumtime i hate u i still tink u r the best.

wen tat ting hapen n i heard the most unbearable ting i gt to hear.everytin came crushin down.i was like...intergrity is doubt nw?
maybe its ur parents.
maybe its bcuz of our different status.
bt ya tat was the saddest part.wen my mum too said the second stupid line i told my mum off.i told her...i...i just..u just...
accept 4 hu we r?

my mum says tats y u hv failed again...i told her to then again m i in denial?

so tis is wat i wan tell u.u cn shuse to follow wat ur mum wan.
i respact tat.
we don gt close.memories.the item.its will accompany me.n u.
nv did i tell u i reli care
bt thx 4 being thr.
n i do love me.y is tis affectin me so much?cuz i reli tot...we...we hv accepted hu we standard...status separate us.its too bad.watever it is...u cn tlk to me if u gt prob k.
love you 'STEAD'...

wat a snitch...

17 yrs...nv nv gt into deep shit...nw i gt in it?

haix...woke up early mornin..tryin to b a gd kid bt at
wth...its my fault nw...?

haix...gym was fun...wasnt a gd day poor vellan i drag him to push ourself..i was just tryin to relieve anger...woah first time so much weight...

go hm..mum tlk to me...tell don do nonsense...thx mum n sori...
sori tat i gt angry....thx 4 tellin me to cool...

May 12, 2010

HOW CUD I 4GT!*slap myself

sori i 4gt to mention tis...damn me...
K i wan to tell dear buddy prabhu...
ytd(i tink)prabhu n sum gang wait outside sch...
i was wlkin w the other i saw prabhu from far n like eh i mis him!
hariz sAId"khalid confirm first ting he say is buddeee!!!"
i didnt wan to dissapoint myself say no la ting he wont call me alr we nt close..
bt wen i came nearer he raise his arm to me n shout BUDDEEE.i was like hey buddy!lose weight n i mis u!
he ans he did too...
lol it been so long....still rmb wen he first came to acad.alot of ppl gv him cold shoulder n look down on then wen i came to him n tell him hey bro come i b ur buudy his cute i sparkle!
n then ya we bcame buddies n ya we share lots of our....knowledge...

i also wan to say shahira thx 4 finishin it up n co-operatin.sori tat i gt piss n bgan gvin out warnin...was just PEACE

last paper!

came sch early to no more like playin...

physic...can say easy...though sum were a little tough....some?!
yeah guess so...

a math was like WTF!we came n sit the exam late!k nt tat late bt gd ting i told to stop n wlk if nt we die.ya we refer to the 5 of us.n hey they bought dog tag too:D

so the class gt a prob...
haix...sori i play the middle man bt guys its our last year!!!!!!!
come on...
thx jon 4 listenin n just nw u shock me wen u came n...
c khalid so gd muahahaha:P

tmr no nd go sch yeah!shar jealous?muahahaa

May 11, 2010

wats ur prob?YOU LA

lol...came sch was like a little late...alamak...

paper was like...YES!wasnt s difficult s i tot:D hapi la... go hm straight...blabla...slp...

congrats to shar to being the chosen one!power la...u show them gal!

May 10, 2010

wats wrong w me...

come to sch was a little....crazy?...

exam sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!wtf!y did i read wrong careless n just fuckin dumb!
tis is the first time i look at chem n physic question n cudnt understand a freakin word!!! ting the teacher was like FIIIIWIIIITTTT!

n nw adays...i gt angry easily wat the hell........haix,...

May 9, 2010

Mother's day...

woke up at 8 gt ready to jog...
at nine jog....

came back hm onli me n sis at hm...slck...

then tried studyin...fuck...notin go inside..
at last hy sms...sms sms...more fun...she also cnt study...

today...thx to "study" wasnt the best mother's day...sori mum

bt then at nite me n bro went out buy sometin..
when walkin hm heard sum1 runin to our direction from bhind.push adik n wen i turn da jump at both of bt he say i should hv kick or wth...

at hm me n bro wanted to gt back at da so wen dad was just tlk C**k w mum i grab hold of him he panic bt cudnt gt away at last lil bro pour water on last we hv pater mum join n at last our house gt wet...cute big sis nag n tried to dry the floor at last i came n pour water on her too...hehe...LOVe my family tis is how random we r...

hy!thx!mis ya.
don scared i also cnt make it

May 8, 2010

wow power today

woke up nt tat realy...

sometin bad hapen...yadda yadda...tis(yadda yadda) remind me of raz n lejla...
o i mis lejla...
anw i don tink will on com again so i wanna thx khai 4 ur kind attention to me:D
n shar don angry k?(NOT W ME PEEPS)

ok bt i must tell u sometin...i played sumtin poker today..
so s a frendli boi i m i tried makin frends n i made frends w rei!REI NETA!
it was a conference n rei onli noe a little eng bt it was fun tlkin to rei.
at last Ian (donoe hu also) tink im veri frendli n started to join us...
too bad rei didnt like soccer while ian love it...
rei tink soccer i the funny part rei reli tried b a frendli person!
rei said tis"soory but im not good in english.n hey we talking in wordreference...."
damn fun sia! rei also gt a liitle irritated i ask rei whr he or she from n he kept repeatin n i didnt notice its a state.
wah gt to noe lots of diff state...first wat hun..hung...sometin in russia nw gos...somtin in btwin spain n portugal or sumtin like tat:D
n i gt to promote singapore with YOG:D

May 7, 2010

woo hoo gym!

woke up early mornin to wake sum1 up...heh heh...didnt noe u cn wake up...

so ya went out n tried...reli try v hard study....
at last call ben to accompany hy while i go mosque...
told ben love him yeah...

met mr farid n hariz at mosque...blabla...
at last at stadium saw ben cb show off angry...donoe y...then wan act also bt thx to hariz n sum pri sch gal tat amaze me i was ok...(nt interested in the gals)
hariz n mee tried doin pakour..(nt right spellin right?)
yeah...then argue gt pis off then thx to tis gym session gt to clear sum air btwin hariz n me n ben n me...k love ben back...

thr cb gt two gal caught our from seng kang sec(k she frendli) another one ben kip lookin at her then ben don like i act gentleman w her....(i say man bro i m k)

at last blabla finish say bye to the ppl i took off w ben...k it was meaninful time...i told ben im a gd guy n tis is wat he ans"ya the best of the bad guy..u the worst of worst 4 a gd guy" cute sia(i just find it cute..nt gay)
on bus tlk abt some stuff abt monkey god n stuf at last im back at hm

sms abit bt soon gt tired n slept...woke up at 1957hrs...
watch tv while changin channel s league caught my attention...
cb watch it no high blood cn hv 1!>(

May 6, 2010

freakin no luck

came sch were gd...abit lucky n then it struck...

sum ppl nt hapi w us NA?wtf?aim?alamak....

geog n math were like wat the fuck!
the paper was easy or at least i tot at first it was until we discuss after exam n i realise i read alot of q wrongli!!!!!!!!wats wrong w me...arh....

goin hm ben wanted to play...didnt follow...he gt sad...then infront freakin lot of gal we did a ting tats freakin disgustin....

alas...the two bro hariz n ben follow my style...they bought dog tag too...k la welcome to the club dear copycat...c u tmr at gym...sori ben a bit piss...i do care la...

shar sori i slept n wen i woke up nv sms...hehe mis eh...sori....
gt well soon...

those takin paper tmr gd luck

May 5, 2010

hey shar!

woah blog also do me alamak....paiseh dok.........
eh sis take care n thank u yo!
hope to c u soon

bloody roller coaster day

came sch was norm...told sum ppl to cum early bt he n she came late..its ok... first act gd...then while readin geog i fell asleep...donoe ms normala noe i slp or not bt nurul n wj noe...

blabla...fot fuck up w sum ppl...arh f care already....

nearly explode bt then thx to sum1 love you man...

ben!I LOVE YOU cn?:D
ben cn i tell ppl wat u tell me?
damn cute....

May 3, 2010

cannot wait 4 tmr...

holiday too long already...haix gd ting tmr gt c u...

shar ala nw u so gd to me mah...
actuali after the incident ah bt then we much more closer nw mah...

hey u...don study too much n stress

May 2, 2010

hey back again 4 today...

okie went 4 a jog w lil sibs.omg today freakin bored..hy study cnt sms sharina at last msg:D
walao tk ajak gi tengok movie ape seh!!!!

watch enchanted...rmb abt sum1....
watchin godfather 2 nw..nice:D
hey shar sori cnt help man...its a gd question though..

WEAKNESS..TOO GD is tat a weakness...well i donoe,...i already say i crazy mah..we both r

wats up!

ytd 1st may was freakin fun...i mean whole day was pack w activities!
woke up early mornin mum dad say we goin cousin bdae bt b4 tat wan go we took of to...tampines cuz sis bf wanted to mit her thr so we sent last the bf join us go shop n thx man 4 those present!!!hehe wtf i childish pussy,...
at last accepted..
after eat eat n shop went to chalet...k tis was fun...didnt noe i gt so many little kids tat can call me unclE?!
it was fun then after tat gt to escort the bf n sis to bf father...wen goin back chalet met jacob chee weng n gang CB!they like one gang like tat bt wen i shout at them n shake hand all tat n tlk wen wan separate their gd bye was like so nt gangster...all was like eh bye bye...cute sia...bowen gangster...

then wanted to go hm n stuf... at 12 gt hm bt nv sleep yet sms sharina o man ur sick?damn sad...
then hy ajak gi tgt go w her..walao tired...

today so far after go hm from gym gt to noe sum1 just recover...don drink so much swit drink la...n ya tis 4 dina alamak...

HY!don rest to mucH!go wlk more!!

oya the sec 1s!thx 4 ur support bt don tink u all cn support me alr cuz i don tink i participatin:D

love you all!!