May 19, 2010

For the upcomin leaders

just nw didnt hv lot of time to tlk...

audrey u live up to my expectation.the first time i mit u i told my fellow nco ta u wud make a v gd leader n today it was proven.

afiqah i always say u v soft cnt shout n dare u was cute u took up the challenge.
dont b sad tat the squad is nt s cooperative s audrey's.4 me takin sec 1 is 1 of the toughest job.
though i last time wan bcum i noe it was difficult tats y u shud nt b sad or demoralised.
i wan take sec 1 also to make n elite squad.the titans.

sharina thanks for sayin im a gd leader..sumtin like tat.

tats y i wanna share.
4 me thr is two type of leader.
the one take scold n the one tat b frends.
the one tat scold gt alot of tings done s ppl is scared of them.however their cons is cadet do nt reli dare share tings.
a frendli leader gt the cadet to share however if nt control tings will gt out of hand.

next time i mit n gt time to share i tell u hw lots of leader gt tings right

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