May 6, 2010

freakin no luck

came sch were gd...abit lucky n then it struck...

sum ppl nt hapi w us NA?wtf?aim?alamak....

geog n math were like wat the fuck!
the paper was easy or at least i tot at first it was until we discuss after exam n i realise i read alot of q wrongli!!!!!!!!wats wrong w me...arh....

goin hm ben wanted to play...didnt follow...he gt sad...then infront freakin lot of gal we did a ting tats freakin disgustin....

alas...the two bro hariz n ben follow my style...they bought dog tag too...k la welcome to the club dear copycat...c u tmr at gym...sori ben a bit piss...i do care la...

shar sori i slept n wen i woke up nv sms...hehe mis eh...sori....
gt well soon...

those takin paper tmr gd luck

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