May 31, 2010

many tings hapen!

ok gt to make tis fast.
bro came back from brunei n he said he ate maggot n eat taste nice like sausage..eww...

fri went cyclin...end up cyclin w LIONEL LEWIS(singapore goalkeeper)n at last other s league join which i quickly dissapear...

sat...borin...n adeeq went to pelegong a little ting to last wen day end i was so tired n sick...
k then adeeq came back!heloo!!!!!

today mt was ok...

notin interestin...
read a piss...
gv advise...
n nw im dead bored...time to do sum stuffffff...
oya shar thx 4 the kamus bt alast cnt use cuz gt writin..anw u look damn swit in the tudung....(should i b sayin tis?)

erm...ya wen i run met ex bowenian....oya i cycle mewt n ex bowenian too...from ncc...4gt his name...

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