Aug 31, 2010

teachers day!

woohoo today fun fun fun!

well we were lucky to gt to quarter final straight away...our first match was w 4t1!o shit...
well we were a liitle ya we did it 2-2 then went to penalty shootout...nearly go to sudden death bt the last shot miss way too wrong.....

we wen to semi...we were suppose to go final or sumtin like tat bt then ya nid vs e5...o shit we lost by 1 goal.kumar gt two lovely shot which went wide...
then vellan was lovely wen i throw in n he did back kick...

yA bt f was that the onli goal were partly my mistake.i was left alone to defend n they gt two guys.i had to choose one.i chose the left s i saw the ball movin to he beat me to it n gt to pass to the other guy hu was totally unmark...ben cnt take tat kind of shot so ya...sad...our defendin champion gal didnt do well bt they did their best:D

4e3 n 5a2 was great!

oya then mj...o shit i melt...arh i just love him...her...i took pic w the bowen mj..haha cnt stop lookin at the pic.stupid me....
arh...ya ppl this is the lame me:Di love mj n i love merly n leo....:D

i reach n gt pinch:(
bt it was fun.haha...

love you ppl...especially mj!peace!
oya mr tan bh was cute!onli me n kumar noe y:'D

Aug 30, 2010

hey hi!today chem was pretty ok...i mean it wasnt tat difficult like i tot it wud b....then s.s ya thr were mix up in the ans.shit....

erm bean!gladiator!


oya again i did it.shit.prediction right again.f...

hope tmr go well...hmm should go pri sch?like gt notin more ppl to go w n ya....sad....:'(

Aug 29, 2010

wow miss com

i reli should nt actually...haha..

hmm..wat hapen tis few days....
lets nt tlk abt exam.

well i met tis pitiful mum hu is lookin 4 her son.
erm...i confuse the son name tat actually result him runnin back hm...
the real boy tat nv come back hm...i nv reli noe wat hapen to him...

hmm...thx dad mum 4 buyin me new shoe!yeah!haha!sis jealous i guess...

haix...must go nw...hey ppl pls....i noe its fun...or i donoe wat u just don make ur parent dissapointed...i mean just go hm n don create lot of prob.

n adq...stop gtin into trouble...goin in out lock up does nt do u good.

Aug 26, 2010

oh oh...prelim!

hey hey tmr reach sch at 845am:D

n it was stupid...stupid khalid...nv read properli nv its ok thr is o level.

hmm after gtin phone back sms karthik...
go do chin up.he improvin:Di cn use one hand carry him.cuz nv he cn pull himself:Dhaha bt i felt as if i will sodomise him....haha

then wlk w him near the hg pt thr

hey yog end?so sad.....

Aug 25, 2010

stupid stupid stupid

it was dumb.wasnt in the mood vellan cheered me up...

paid money for prom nt alot goin.

arh f...blabla.tell karthik i wan train him.i did it w ben.nw i wan him.

he was good.he a little bit weaker then ben first time...goin to b tough bt he is a nice guy so i would love to help him.prove some idiots wrong.

so night study was fu***** stupid
damn so...embarassed n ya felt stupid.

bt good ting ben vellan n hariz was nice.
me ben n hariz wen out n we c the moon.
still rmb sec hariz n vellan bcum gd frends in our first camp bcuz of moon.
n of cuz ya...we admire the moon awhile n say tat time flies to fast.

haix...ben also good.we bcum damn gay.officially.bloody hell.

i had enough of nonsense pls.f off.
n hey hi ppl hu still in good term pray for us sec 5 to ace o level:D
arh scary

Aug 24, 2010

hey hi

some ppl go oral today:Dnice.

hmm today wasnt reli good.ppl showin it tryin b nice n gt f attid.
bt then i cnt f gal so i wanted to vent it on guys.aaron nearli gt was stupid of me.he was just doin the routine lame jokes n i dare him one on one.though he then just kip quiet cnfrm he curse me under his breath.n ya i did tlk abt sum ppl nt happy i gt a1 right.haha cnfrm i tell him i noe he nt hapi n its stupid cuz i didnt even tink i cud gt it.of cuz im hapi bt tat doesnt mean i look dwn on ppl gtin c6.i myself is nt a1 4 wat act?

so play takraw n soccer.aaron try make it up by telin me to join his team.haha...

erm...y K La today nice.

go buy hari raya clothes.
at first lady.i noe kinda had fun thr cuz i was a little hyper.saw one ex bowen guy from band too.
oya so i was hyper n was tryin out clothes..i was makin joke n didnt noe gt girls bhind.until my mum say they laughin.then i wanted drink so tell my dad suap n i tink the girl tink i gay so i turn to them n say "like yog like tat someone to gv us water blabla...''

ya then wen change i kacau somemore..
ya also buyin other stuf i like friendli2 w the tenders thr...
onli one like f to my mum so i came infront...i donoe today i especialli close to mum nice:D

Aug 23, 2010

hey o level oral today!

hey wassup!pe was fun!play soccer:Dthe chinese nw are in our black vs white:D

el ms chua seems like havin ting vellan cheered her up:D

phy gt piss by toh lily.n i didnt noe wat hapen to me.i was just upset abt sumtin she say n tell her off.f shit y now...


haha...second last so wat a luck...most prob the teacher will gt tired...erm mrs adeline lee was cool n nice especially to me n hariz:D
i hope the two teachers r happy enough w me...

haix tired.......

Aug 22, 2010

o wat a miss!

hey hey tdy was nice bought new fon!!

hehe love mum n dad!

hmm today play play w fon!
hmm miss np.

hey singapore losing focus!!!!!!

Aug 20, 2010

aww...break fast w teacher

hey wassup!
its was v sad to leave the malay class...though im happy tat i gt a1 i didnt actuali was ready to leave the class...
i shook the boys hand...n i gt to realise tat one of the guys is nt happy...?cn say tat...
the others was nice...syukor akhim they all..

so wanted to study...ben play...

phy was nice...


so i go hm n change then i fall aslp...maybe 4 in tat 15mins i gt a nightmare!ON NP!it was like i wanted to go off...then i tell of of the sir"sir i go hm eh thx"he said ok
then i tell madeline.she said ok too..
wen i wlk off i heard they say im dumb cuz the ci don like me!bloody hell!then i saw kenjy sir.he smile then i like feel damn angry n woke it just stupid nightmare?bt then wen i wen bowen i didnt dare go near np...dont noe is it bcuz i dowan angry or im just scared being dissapointed...

we met cikgu juriah...n we went to tis air condition "restaurant thingy"..took a little pic...syukor made a speech congratulatin me n rai...n sayin sori to ms juriah...
cikgu blanja us sate...
it was nice eatin like tis.

wen we go hm n sms cikgu she reply me "blanja sate then luv me"
hellno.i cnt describe how much i love ms juriah n mt...

oya ci "invitation" scared.

Aug 19, 2010


today v tired hungry n thirsty!

woah yog soccer team power!!!haha sori say j ur b4 play damn nt gooD!

hey peeps wassup!don sad sad smile!if u r look at my ben!

we play street soccer today ben strip n we act as if he is a convict n kip shoutin at him!lol damn funny wen he squat n put his hand bhind his neck:P

yeah the guys nw confirm all tgt job guys!ole!

Aug 18, 2010


wassup peeps!

today gt back o level result....!didnt wan mr soo to read out...i believe i cnt make it though i aim 4 a1:P

so my name was called up..b4 me alot others gt like i wasnt aimin tat high...

mr soo call me...i stun wen he show me d...i was like....D7????
then he smile n said khalid u gt distinction n a1!

i shout yes of cuz...!!wooohooo!!!!!!crazy ting i dark skin mayb i even blush wen ppl congrats me:Drai gt hers back n she was jumpin arnd!
haha fun!couple both gt a1 n distinction cool!rosma also power gt gd mark yeah!

we wen to find teacher to was scary!met mr ismail n he shook my hand n said"we teachers tlk.we r so proud of you and raihan!i knew u cn do it!"haha yeah!cikgu congrats us n then others!power.i cnt believe it was a little difficult...i wanted to ask others mark bt i didnt wan them to tink i tink so greatli of wen i did ask ppl i just ask how did u do?me ok...unfortunateli news spread fast...kinda proud of myself...

a math was fun too!

nite study was hilarious...we bought kfc...we studyy....then ben wanted to do big big big business...
i remind him of the weird stuff we experience last yr(the ghost shit)...he was wen i go inside the toilet first i told him "eh ben the cubicle door close(its was the ''haunted one)!"ben shout like one gal n jump out n ran!bloody pussy!!!

so it was fun we tlk abt ghost story...hehe! alot of great tings hapen bt too much to b said!iwan slp nw...i just gt hm at 1030? you ppl!muacks muacks muacks....

couple!its reality wow....

Aug 17, 2010

borin assembly

wat a start!brin slide borin speaker borin assembly....
i did observe alot of ppl fall aslp....
me im no good boy either.was watchin movie:D

mt...woah scary...wen we tlk abt tmr result tat is...
bt its ok lookin 4ward 4 friday:DDDDDD

wats after mt?recess?go do sum chin up...bleah suck...

s.s...hmm was booboo

hey mentalist!

k la bye! oya we play soccer!yes my mission pass though nt by deadline...i told ms normala we will bond more by ting me n chinese clique is ok....cuz we tlk on sumtin guys love...
so just nw was fun...though kumar did sumtin...n i like woah lax man!!!!!

anw today felt v hungry!!!!!

oya me n ben fought awhile then he came to me n say don cute n then we bcum abit gay....onli vellan has the evidence*wink

Aug 16, 2010

hey hi fun fun fun day!


today nice though it suck abit tat we had to start p.e late>(

bring the guys...n some gal to hall to wait 4 teacher.thr we play play:Di tried doin somersault:P
sit up was pretty stupid...hmm while holdin ppl leg i smell fart bloody hell!
then followed others hu is doin nafa...nice:Di cnt play soccer scared strain again...
then we play sepak takraw...hmm rmb times at eunos...

eng...bloody slack...cute tat rai n atiq angry bcuz of tat:Dmodel student yea?

phy...nice la wat cn i say?

e math we study for wen s.s mind wen blank,...opps....
anw math tlk abt my history haha...shit...damn...f....

s.s...haix mr sng ah...bloody doin wing chun...wen he act funny the two chinese gal damn angry w him their face change haha funny!fuckin UGLY!!!hehe...sori it was funny...mayb n ugly la bt v v v v v v v v funny!

after s.s call mr sng go fitness corner...sori wanted then he showed some stuff n i showed mine haha...he say tell me do challengin stuff which i don believe he cn do!bt thx gdnesss i cn haha...ben also gtin fit.vellan too...c i pass my mission!haha

goin hm it was rainin heavily...wanted to share w vellan bt syukor wan to join in:Phe bloody hyper shoutin n gtin fact the three of us look so damn retarded gay that is fightin 4 cover under my smll umbrella!at last all of us were wet.sent them both to their bowen gal laugh wen we three reach the tats y i noe we r bt it was fun:D


Aug 15, 2010

nv sahur(breakfast)

woah...hungry...hehe...nv eat n slp late...y eh?...hmm....

i hope tmr cn do it...y?if i eat do sit up?if survive?aiyoh....

today slack....y m i?!!!

sori eh i lazy update.hmm...remind me of sum1...sum1 that threw sumtin impt to me into some junk...haix:'(

Aug 14, 2010

YOG today siol

hey today rain again....sad....

i tired ah watchin yog openin nw..HEY GT BOSNIA N HUE___!the place i must rusia

Aug 13, 2010


hey wats up!

mt was cool!shoutin here n thr!haha!i guess all of them 4gt they were fasting:D

hmm...phy...bull....i keep wantin to argue.i just wan test how gd the teacher is in convincin... normala...pms?
i tot she scolded sec 2 boy 4 nt comin it was actuali cuz of dance!wth.... teo wan us to tlk...cum on we so gd kip quiet...she dowan...teachers r crazy nowadays....some even bang head against the wall!

hmm...............notin much then...thx 4 readin:D

Aug 12, 2010


hell yeah!two days:D

hmm chem...ahah suck:P

el was normal...blabla....

hehe a MATH!niceeeeee....
showed the kathik chin mr yeo saw me carry him...alamak...
so he said tat last ten min we will go fitness corner:Dlove tat idea!
we also tlk abt hantu tetek or ''breast ghost'' alot of jokes came out.
then at last we were at fitness corner:Dkathik at last cnt yeo showed his stuff...i wanted to do the same bt didnt wan to b the good ting was he chose me 4 a challenge:D
i noe it is notin much bt yeah instead of the others he wan challenge me:P
i cudnt do wat he wan me i lost....the best part is that tis is the second time he challenge me...first was sommando one hand push thx to him i train:Ddon worry i confirm cn do wat he had challenge me today!o ya anw his challeng was that you flip urself up sfter doin a chin up.n then he finish it off w a ''somersault''!showman shiok...

hey wait a min today have c.e...wat did we do.....?

o the tlk.culinary...i like the speaker!very frank n open.

today no emath.i watch alvin n chipmunk:Dme n ben like freakin gay couple!damn.his head was rested on mine while we watch..n he is freakin noisy!

after sch javier wan go fitness corner:Dshow my stuff:Dhaha....
then ya i guess raihan was true abt javier.
n thx javier,vellen n ben hu sent me to a guy...i cudnt reli help him tat much bt b4 goin of i did tell him gd luck ma man...

so ya today fun...i like today!challenge!
oya np!cn la today!i kip 4gt im out.i kip wantin to go 4ward to teach them:Pkhalid khalid

Aug 11, 2010

first day of fasting month:D

yeah day back at school!!!!!!!:DDD

hmm at first didnt reli sweat cuz of fasting today blur2 cuz teacher wasnt arnd n kumar 4gt take class diary(he always take 4 right) xtra sweet 4 being gd boy:Dbt too bad cnt eat....:((
i 4gt start its kinda difficult....

hmm...eng was gooooooooooooood...of cuz today without kumar the two gals was 4 me:Phehe!mr yeo did one careless misatke n he BANG HIS HEAD ON THE WALL!!!if i do mistake i don care less!!

wat else...berbuke was nice...thx mom.i noe she tired bt she cook quite a feast....booo....i nid slim bt cnt w mom food doin tis to me....nv fail to tempt me to eat more.haiyoooo

Aug 10, 2010

yog torch relay!JON CHU


today woke up early to support dear jon chu!he is the torch bearer guy...thingy...

saw i woke up early....reach compass...met hariz b4 tat w his mum on bus.
mit douheng at the interchange...hmm he gv me n hy choc....thx:DDDD

rouhui was late....a bit....we had to catch up w hon chu man.luckili we were not late.jon came down from yog bus to tlk to us...
lol he was lucky i guess as two torch bearer cud n cum so he gt to ran 300m instead of the 100....
me rh dh n hy jog along...

proud of him man:D

hmm then wanted to study at it was waste of time.
so we end up study at hg.sori hy waste ur money... ting hy QUITE gd in teachin....then he mit nurul nadia thr.n wen hy go toilet james was thr too...i mean nt in the toilet bt ya at the mall...

go hm feelin tired....



Aug 9, 2010

national day yo

today nv go out of hse!how pathetic...

national day celeb nice ya?
but i love the parade best!hey casandra thr nice!wrong spellin i tink...power la.

oya anw i miss bowen ppl!

Aug 8, 2010

YOG torch relay at tk.

bro schmate carried the weather is good though its hot at least it wasnt rainin...

today i was left at hm alone...mum n others go shop...i watch tv...

erm...ya today kinda mono...
hey raihan the more i read ur ms the more i feel like thr is more to the meanin....I LOVE COUPLE N OTHERS YEAH!!!
i still smile to myself rmb holidin ur hand on my right n kumar on my left...n the difference make me smile to myslf..u damn cute still cn hyper...
hope we gt more opportunity to b hyper tgt yeah!

Aug 7, 2010

free gym trainer

it was kinda cool day.i reached gym at 1004....kinda 10 mins....vellan was alr thr...
after gtin the ticket...we start first....while doin the abs machine one guy approached me n ask me if he cn train w me...he is sec 2 from north vista a gym trainee n ya he is good.v fit 4 a sec 2....
vellan was funny wen the boy tell him to do 60 kg vellan kip changin to lower weight....that boy was quite persistent n i gt piss so i told him tat vellan will do wat he cn.

kahi(ncc) reached at i took tis opportunity to separate from tat boy...
didnt wan to hurt his feelin by telin him to gt lost...

so wen we do weight liftin i told the boy to help khai...then i do other stuff.khai was funny.he was like so friendli to the boy n wen i say good frend he gv tat f face n gv me middle finger....

at last we did everytin we cn...khairiah n rosma came later didnt reli join us...

ya after gym go library....

reached hm n bk...n slp til 7......
o anw its funny how sum ppl wud go"u the best..."(tats wen we r tgt)n wen after they gt better they forget

Aug 6, 2010

national day!

eeee....must clear stuff today...

no offence bt the parade kinda suck.its like booooooooooooooooooooooooo..........................

bowen np however rock the hse!

the celebration is coooooollllllll

i tired soccer nice!

Aug 5, 2010

jon sings!

came sch kumar tell me sum stuf....k blabla...
i told jon tat i wan him tmr to sing bt he dowan...shit i wan back out.i aint singin....
gd luck to others!(we nv reli did choose) gt drama!two girls fight...(not 4 me...i tink:P)hmm try relax the first girl(tat ppl nv gv a hoot.n gt scolded.hy was thr w me.i nearli gt piss cuz i ws thr gvin her attention she nd...n she look at hy relax cuz the way she reacted funny....
then tlk to cuzin.hehe mayb i too gd tat she broke i gv her my shoulder...n then make joke.n i was called gay....-.-...

ms normala didnt come 4 acp so we do our work.jon sang for us...haha cool...
we sms ms normala...hehe darlin....:P

erm amath fun as today!

Aug 4, 2010

OH SHIT HE SAW THE SWITCH!!!!!ouch.....oya im tlkin abt ninja warrior...

hmmm...start sch w my drawin again hahahaha....
erm then must call mr william cuz must report on sumtin....n PPL THIS WEEK IS HIS LAST WEEK!!!...though im nt close to him...wen he tell me abt tis n sumtin else...i pity him....

oya then s.s i very good boy today:))))
math was....good...of sourse ms normala mah....then use her laptop, mindef ting w kumar...she kpo....then kacau abt the justice league pic w the disciplin teacher name...kacau abt ms angie u believe it angie goh is HAWKGIRL!!???

then ya the other subject is ok...

a math was againm damn yeo blanja us too....
oya one joke was tat he show kathik his muscle n kathik gt angry n said at last"hey at least mr kevin lim gt protrudin nipples''LOL
the whole class laugh like mad....haha love my k bro katy perry is nice n friendli

Aug 3, 2010


ytd nv on com.dodnt feel like it.didnt noe my new frend is actualli sum1 my sis noe n a frend's frend:Dsmall world:D

this today s.s gt lots of "drama" w mr chua.both days nearly lose my i just love to kacau atiqah im nt hyper kid.i just wan to kacau him n tats y....

eng was fun....ytd was gay today was rude...tmr?hmm....

anw its fun nw....though some ppl is gvin me fake smile n laughter....lets play along yaw...

oya wat an honour to b chosen by the gals to join their team:Dn firsttime im hapi i NURUL KHALIDAH:P

bt at last i join the guys n we won!comback!haha!peace gal!my gal team! today.even the test was fun s ''gf'' is ng also kena:P you ppl!byessssss