Aug 4, 2010

OH SHIT HE SAW THE SWITCH!!!!!ouch.....oya im tlkin abt ninja warrior...

hmmm...start sch w my drawin again hahahaha....
erm then must call mr william cuz must report on sumtin....n PPL THIS WEEK IS HIS LAST WEEK!!!...though im nt close to him...wen he tell me abt tis n sumtin else...i pity him....

oya then s.s i very good boy today:))))
math was....good...of sourse ms normala mah....then use her laptop, mindef ting w kumar...she kpo....then kacau abt the justice league pic w the disciplin teacher name...kacau abt ms angie u believe it angie goh is HAWKGIRL!!???

then ya the other subject is ok...

a math was againm damn yeo blanja us too....
oya one joke was tat he show kathik his muscle n kathik gt angry n said at last"hey at least mr kevin lim gt protrudin nipples''LOL
the whole class laugh like mad....haha love my k bro katy perry is nice n friendli

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