Aug 16, 2010

hey hi fun fun fun day!


today nice though it suck abit tat we had to start p.e late>(

bring the guys...n some gal to hall to wait 4 teacher.thr we play play:Di tried doin somersault:P
sit up was pretty stupid...hmm while holdin ppl leg i smell fart bloody hell!
then followed others hu is doin nafa...nice:Di cnt play soccer scared strain again...
then we play sepak takraw...hmm rmb times at eunos...

eng...bloody slack...cute tat rai n atiq angry bcuz of tat:Dmodel student yea?

phy...nice la wat cn i say?

e math we study for wen s.s mind wen blank,...opps....
anw math tlk abt my history haha...shit...damn...f....

s.s...haix mr sng ah...bloody doin wing chun...wen he act funny the two chinese gal damn angry w him their face change haha funny!fuckin UGLY!!!hehe...sori it was funny...mayb n ugly la bt v v v v v v v v funny!

after s.s call mr sng go fitness corner...sori wanted then he showed some stuff n i showed mine haha...he say tell me do challengin stuff which i don believe he cn do!bt thx gdnesss i cn haha...ben also gtin fit.vellan too...c i pass my mission!haha

goin hm it was rainin heavily...wanted to share w vellan bt syukor wan to join in:Phe bloody hyper shoutin n gtin fact the three of us look so damn retarded gay that is fightin 4 cover under my smll umbrella!at last all of us were wet.sent them both to their bowen gal laugh wen we three reach the tats y i noe we r bt it was fun:D


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