Aug 24, 2010

hey hi

some ppl go oral today:Dnice.

hmm today wasnt reli good.ppl showin it tryin b nice n gt f attid.
bt then i cnt f gal so i wanted to vent it on guys.aaron nearli gt was stupid of me.he was just doin the routine lame jokes n i dare him one on one.though he then just kip quiet cnfrm he curse me under his breath.n ya i did tlk abt sum ppl nt happy i gt a1 right.haha cnfrm i tell him i noe he nt hapi n its stupid cuz i didnt even tink i cud gt it.of cuz im hapi bt tat doesnt mean i look dwn on ppl gtin c6.i myself is nt a1 4 wat act?

so play takraw n soccer.aaron try make it up by telin me to join his team.haha...

erm...y K La today nice.

go buy hari raya clothes.
at first lady.i noe kinda had fun thr cuz i was a little hyper.saw one ex bowen guy from band too.
oya so i was hyper n was tryin out clothes..i was makin joke n didnt noe gt girls bhind.until my mum say they laughin.then i wanted drink so tell my dad suap n i tink the girl tink i gay so i turn to them n say "like yog like tat someone to gv us water blabla...''

ya then wen change i kacau somemore..
ya also buyin other stuf i like friendli2 w the tenders thr...
onli one like f to my mum so i came infront...i donoe today i especialli close to mum nice:D

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