Aug 18, 2010


wassup peeps!

today gt back o level result....!didnt wan mr soo to read out...i believe i cnt make it though i aim 4 a1:P

so my name was called up..b4 me alot others gt like i wasnt aimin tat high...

mr soo call me...i stun wen he show me d...i was like....D7????
then he smile n said khalid u gt distinction n a1!

i shout yes of cuz...!!wooohooo!!!!!!crazy ting i dark skin mayb i even blush wen ppl congrats me:Drai gt hers back n she was jumpin arnd!
haha fun!couple both gt a1 n distinction cool!rosma also power gt gd mark yeah!

we wen to find teacher to was scary!met mr ismail n he shook my hand n said"we teachers tlk.we r so proud of you and raihan!i knew u cn do it!"haha yeah!cikgu congrats us n then others!power.i cnt believe it was a little difficult...i wanted to ask others mark bt i didnt wan them to tink i tink so greatli of wen i did ask ppl i just ask how did u do?me ok...unfortunateli news spread fast...kinda proud of myself...

a math was fun too!

nite study was hilarious...we bought kfc...we studyy....then ben wanted to do big big big business...
i remind him of the weird stuff we experience last yr(the ghost shit)...he was wen i go inside the toilet first i told him "eh ben the cubicle door close(its was the ''haunted one)!"ben shout like one gal n jump out n ran!bloody pussy!!!

so it was fun we tlk abt ghost story...hehe! alot of great tings hapen bt too much to b said!iwan slp nw...i just gt hm at 1030? you ppl!muacks muacks muacks....

couple!its reality wow....

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