Aug 12, 2010


hell yeah!two days:D

hmm chem...ahah suck:P

el was normal...blabla....

hehe a MATH!niceeeeee....
showed the kathik chin mr yeo saw me carry him...alamak...
so he said tat last ten min we will go fitness corner:Dlove tat idea!
we also tlk abt hantu tetek or ''breast ghost'' alot of jokes came out.
then at last we were at fitness corner:Dkathik at last cnt yeo showed his stuff...i wanted to do the same bt didnt wan to b the good ting was he chose me 4 a challenge:D
i noe it is notin much bt yeah instead of the others he wan challenge me:P
i cudnt do wat he wan me i lost....the best part is that tis is the second time he challenge me...first was sommando one hand push thx to him i train:Ddon worry i confirm cn do wat he had challenge me today!o ya anw his challeng was that you flip urself up sfter doin a chin up.n then he finish it off w a ''somersault''!showman shiok...

hey wait a min today have c.e...wat did we do.....?

o the tlk.culinary...i like the speaker!very frank n open.

today no emath.i watch alvin n chipmunk:Dme n ben like freakin gay couple!damn.his head was rested on mine while we watch..n he is freakin noisy!

after sch javier wan go fitness corner:Dshow my stuff:Dhaha....
then ya i guess raihan was true abt javier.
n thx javier,vellen n ben hu sent me to a guy...i cudnt reli help him tat much bt b4 goin of i did tell him gd luck ma man...

so ya today fun...i like today!challenge!
oya np!cn la today!i kip 4gt im out.i kip wantin to go 4ward to teach them:Pkhalid khalid

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