Sep 30, 2010

graduation ceremony

today is a perfect day or near perfect day:Dthanks to all!

class 4 emath was normala was hot:P
amath was u noe fun bt tirin...

then we had chem.seems very easy....very very....

i got ready at the side of hall.w the other speaker...ppl stroll in goy brief us again on stage n tell us nt to b afraid:Dat tat moment it was easy.i look at the croud n was like..tis is easy:D

then we sat w class...oya i took the attendance ya one guy dissapoint me... we wait..maybe 4 30 mins?mr tan came tlk n by the time he finish..i got scared.nadu read her speec first.i gt to salute her.she was nervous bt she carry on w it.especialli wen she did nt hv enough pract!
then next was me.b4 comin up i wen out of hall.jump.come inside.shook hand w fellow speakers n then i wlk up the was scary.i took a deep breathe n tell myself tat i hv to do it 4 my class.i stood up thr.bhind the podium n look at all the ppl that is lookin at me.i take a look at the class n tell myself tis is it.i up.everytin wen smoothli...

wen i finish everytin i was relieve.cikgu juriah say i was v good.i didnt reli believe.then after tat i sat w classmate n they tell me how i spoke.mayb they makin me it was all good.

wen i go down.teachers came to me n praise:Pwoohoo...felt so proud of myself haha!
ms soh especially.she came to me n asked if i m khalid.then she tell me to keep up n keep tlkin like tat cuz i go far ya?:Pthen she shook hand.

took pic n then go mc n hm.happiest day of my life?i cant say tat.bowen hv given me alot of that...those ndp n speech bowen

thx to classmate hu support cuz even without me i noe u guys cn do well.well of course la we hv ppl like atiqah raihan kumar nigel...all v good speakers!

Sep 29, 2010

tmr is the day....

i wan thnk you if u readin my blog.cuz 4 me it sucks.well for one reason i nv change my blogskin:P lots of sweet...

hmm...then ya...tkl to class abt c nig wan communicate w me bt he pull it move for an idiot from ytd...

the rehearsal was rather slack...
my speech was simple n short so mr goy kinda like it?...maybe...

thx to "ppl" hu made my day:D
love you a1!

Sep 28, 2010

woohoo... at last read chapter...ok la...

hmm...2 more still some m.f wan to find trouble.c la nw awkward right...bloody gay

wokie...class was good.nt alot of "drama".

after sch go 4 the speech ting.i had to read out every ppl name...hehe so had a little bit of laugh w my group...sori to those from other class whose name i change to ms benjamin n stuf:P

after tat we wen to eng acp.hehe the indian teacher hv tis accent(don get me wrong i love indian:Di tink i attract indian more than other race though i don hv any indian ex...or did i?...hmm....)so we 5 me kumar hariz vellan n ben wanted to hv fun...we were reminded of mind your language n wanted to make the class like one.i did the japanese guy...as0h..kumar:ali..yes pls...bla bla.the best part was wen i dip the bowin n stuf n teacher actuali ok w it:Deven say i good:PcrazY!

chem was ok.ben gay...haha:P
then play versus cb:D
mf win yeah!

Sep 27, 2010

hari raya gathering in sch:D

hey yo!


today nice la...
we had fun in

after sch wen to hariz hse finsh some shit.atiq confirm nt nice:P
hmm then wlk back to sch...s.s was ok...blabla

after tat wen to hall.the first ting i saw was ppl wearin hari raya clothes....wen i change already n wanted to enter i cn c ppl nt wearin baju raya-.-

hmm play don 4gt the lyric.i onli noe two ans bt nv go out.onli nurul nadia did:P

oya afiqah power la dance!
hmm lower sec very good to me ah?y...hmm.....

thx hy too...n kumar...n furious 5:D

Sep 26, 2010

hey!thank you khairiah 4 inviting to her sis weddin:D

style seh...v cool...javanese style:Dgood ting thr is hayati,cuzin shahira n rosma to accompany;D
thr was tis chinese lady tat approach me n tell me how her hair on her hand stnad listenin to the kompang.i then had to entertain her.v cute sia she:D

then ya.khai sis v pretty:Dof course la hayati...queen for the day ma...

oya thanks 4 those hu try 2 help to do montage.:D

hmm tired seh...

Sep 24, 2010

hey hi...

it sucks.knowin tat will separate from 5a1s.....arh...

hmm im back hm.nw 1055.tired siol...

haix today go scold collin cuz he was rude to it sucks to do tat.

erm ya me n ben we help teacher outside sch.blabla

Sep 22, 2010


hey!you miss me?

im back:D

well alot hapen:D

bt i wanna say abt the rehearsal cum briefin on graduatin goy was funny:Pmakin joke n stuff.wen i ppl read their speech by puttin n wen he did 4 me he stand bside me n gv tat weird smile!eww...

n ya k la bye:D

Sep 18, 2010

hari raya ytd was the most memorable

i noe some would say its bullshit cuz its too early to say its the most...unless i go up thr tmr.
bt yeah i cn say its very memorable...

after friday prayer at al-istiqamah mosque i sat w akhim(he wear same baju melayu;bt different colour,he was white while im black)...also thr was syukor,hariz n zamir...idris wen off after prayer.u noe at tat time i was prayin so tat i wont regret goin hari raya.y?cuz i nv go gym...:(

atiqah came later to join us...n soon other gals...after reachin atiq area we separate from yeah i wanted him to cum...suz u noe we like to tlk abt sumtin:D

so yeah...the journey start thr.we try to chill n so we start of by kacau-ing sgs gal n tlkin abt hot celebs:P

yeah then we went to rai hse.i was the tv guy:Phaha...
syukor joined.

ok to make it short we wen to 10 hse....spendin ''average'' 1 hrs each hse.

soon we realise it was goin 11.the best part abt tis outin was that all the boys reli did become one.watever we do,tlk,run we do it tgt.wen gals wanted to take bus bt one guy wan to wlk,all the boys would hariz hse we saw tis bunch of "mat"s goin raya.wen we wlk we met them n we started to shake hand w each other.n yeah we become a it was a little awkward wen ppl luk at us cuz we were bunch of 20 guys wlkin arnd.

anw i did say i pray right?y?bcuz i wasnt reli close to the guys u noe those syukor,zamir,akhim...n i don reli noe wat to tlk abt.the 4 of them(akhim,syukor,zamir n hariz)support english team such as man u n they tlk abt english soccer while i tlk abt spanish soccer...tis was a prob...cuz then i don noe wat to tlk abt n gt then thx to syukor n hariz.we start tlkin abt gals.commentin on their dress n stuff..tis create a link n then we tlk more.
...u c everytime i go 4 an the last 1/3 period of the outin i would nt hv energy n gt that didnt hapen ytd.

y?bcuz...akhim keep remindin us that tis is last yr we gonna celeb hari raya s bowenian tgt.n it suck.all the boys wan to b w each other goin to all hse.wen it was 11 plus i told them i probably hv to go hm cuz i live v far.hearin tis thr didnt look happy n then they gv ideas on how we cn reach to idris(supposinly last hse)hse tgt.n they also wanted me to go idris hse n promise to pay 4 taxi fare to go hm.yeah all tis was bcuz they wan all 5 of us to spent time tgt till we go hm.n it touches me.wen i bid farewell n we hug each other,none look happy....

bt then mum call me n tell me tat i cn go hm anytime cuz dad will take.wen all 4 of them here tat all was it was didnt want to pick us up.syukor even lie n tell the uncle that he was the eldest n we all r his damn cute.then i say we should go gt 854 all of us run tgt to bowen was nice.i wanted to take a video of it was dark.tis was how much we wanted to b w each other.of cuz hariz n akhim run n dissapear.i had to stop to help zamir hu needed was epic.the run was.all those key flyin out of hand,slipper flyin.cute.wen we reach the busstop.854 nv come.we kept cursin.

then the most dissapointin part was wen idris was too late.
we look n each other.everyone tried to look ok w it.n then we telin me how i should go hm.

lol that was it.we separate.shoutin from one street to another to thx each other.

it was great u noe.i was so hapi that the whole journey to kallang seems short.since i took 70 i hv to wlk quite a distance.n since i was hype i ran hm.smilin feelin hapi.i even do parkour n did the run on wall:P

tis is the best hari raya outin w frends.i wan thx everyone that wen out w was sad the gals wasnt reli close.

all those piggyback(hariz),shoutin selamat hari raya(to strangers) n waitin 4 gals at plygrnd bt gt scolded was worth it.thnk you all.if tis post is weird or stupid sorry:Di love yesterday!

Sep 16, 2010

last paper 4 prelim!

hey...a math gone...



stupid me.

hmm...after tryin to crack all those "codes" in those a math question good ting after the paper he had a good laugh.well japan boy had v nice long slp tat he drool.the floor was wet.n i tel u it wasnt a little luck to ppl hu step on

after tat we(the other 4 plus syukor)sit at canteen.they wanted to eat.i gt no the rest of superhero freakin funny!

then ya sittin dwn then thr was tis sec1 gal hu was a little frendli...didnt recognise her.then i realise she was the gal jon ''flirt'' w...haha.

then ya wanted go hm.syukor wanted to sit the we did.then tkl abt gal...abt one minah tryin act as if her ass is hot.dammit dont act.its stupid.n its nt good 4 ur body!if u hv no hot ass don try to make it look hot.damn dumb....go hm n slp.wake up n exercise.tmr wan go gym bt maybe goin nid to noe the plan...arh....

Sep 15, 2010


hey sup!

oh shit.a was easier than i tink bt nt tat easy tat i cn pass...make sense?tats how bad i m.

finish on time.tats the good part...cuz it means tat i have no time to pity me.

after paper.s usal the group would play soccer.i joined.n i scored first goal.well i don score much.i suck at ya today i was "on form".

played 4 game straight without its kinda cool.especially wen every game i would score at least one.lee yang become my team mate.v w me well.

lee yang frends came.frendli bunch.i was the onli one shakin hands n stuff w them.they gt tis freakin tall guy-china guy standin at 1.9m plus.ppl was like,"he's a fuckin wall"
firstd up against them was jumar n his team.then it was aaron n his team.he wanted me join.playin against the big guy was nt as difficult.maybe bcuz he feel awkward.seeing tis i took advantage n ya wen he gt the ball everyone go defend leavin him at his own half alone.n i got tis sudden rush n tackle unfortunately i miss my shot!!!!!!

so ya today kinda cool.those guys waited 4 me 4 my bus.thx syukor,hariz n vellan:D

Sep 14, 2010

hey wassup!


e math?good:D

a mth?die:D

sometin hapen today.feelin kinda retarded.i read a book n felt aslp...
then wen i woke up the first ting i did was look outside window n c that it was blue.
i donoe y i tot i woke up n its wednesday.
i jump out of bed ransack my bag.lookin 4 timetable.
i tot i was late.
n look at my bro n he was listenin to music.i asked him y he nv go sch.he said holiday.
i was ok ur lucky im late 4 a mth.
later wen i went out of room mum told me to call sis cuz she haven reach home.i still hv no idea its 7 PM.until i look at my handfon closely n realise its nt 7AM.
haix.c dis is was hapen wen u panic.f it

Sep 12, 2010

hey tmr sch!

hey welcome back!
ytd fun fun fun.go hm n slp at 2!
go fav aunt hse aunty rose!
hehe v v fun!
oya go uncle hse!do puzzle w kitty!tats the gal thr!
also go abng didi hse:)
hmm today tired ppl cum then hy study tgt:)
erm...ya alot hapen n i lazy write:)
good luck tmr!miss ya ppl!

Sep 10, 2010

hari raya-.-

well r u?

woke up early mornin smell lovely food!especially chicken:D
haix...sadli tis was the onli way we celebrated our hari raya.well...ya

so i woke newpaper...go workout.n woah im so dead.
wen cum back n wash up.parents gt ready.then we start the apologizin thingy.mummy gt emotional s too gt emotional wen big sis tlk.haha bib sis reli noe how use her words.
then mine...mum nv say anytin i make joke.she was half laughin n cryin.haha
lil bro n sis wen thru smoothli ...of cuz my lil bro will act smart sayin he was the best among us n yadda yadda..tats his joke.

then ya eat n eat.fuuyoohhhh...

watch tv...then tis is first time.reli first tat i tears reli flow out from my eyes watchin malay story.abt the mum n three son.touchin.reli dad too gt emotional n he was shock i gt too.i also shock.wth.i gay:D

ahah then dad bosses come.frenli...even tlk abt personal tings like how they gt malay gf n stuff...

we nv wen out.ppl came to our hse.
hmm...sadli grandparent up thr ya....

relative from dad side came.i kinda like them.they the bunch tat tlk "smart".
their kids were speakin perfect english at young age some even had the stupid accent.
so n his sib gt a little prob.
n it was cool how they tlk n gt tgt.especially grandma from dad side.she still strong n damn mafia style.the kiss the i admire.i like it how my uncle stand n look like wen my aunt cry 4 forgvss...those eyes n

cuzin kitty(her petname)do sum puzzle w me...she v cute...haha
love her.she is ok tat her bro is nw away up thr.
oya sum1 pass away...granduncle pass away at 2am.
kinda cool man

oya dad other bro(piss my dad off)came back from us.he call.cnfrm dad f.haha..

yup basicli tis yr hari raya was different bt nt tat borin

selamat hari RAYA!

oya tis pic.last yr ya!:D
hmm another yr...another hari raya...
don gt me wrong ya bt i don reli like hari raya.
nt anymore.
mayb last time yes....nw no.
if i offend anyone.sori.
i just tink tat hari raya should nt b a celebration tat we hv finish the fastin month.i mean alot of ppl don gv a hoot abt fasting mth "rule".im guilty of tis too.
bt then again hari raya...i guess hold the meanin tat is means a period whr everybody just try accept one another fault n try to 4gv n "4gt".y try?bcuz sum ppl a just hypocrite.
well i learnt a ting or so during fasting month.
i was able to reflect on sum of my...behaviour?
i was able to sit.relax n tink abt myself 4 a moment.
all tis while i been tinkin abt wat shit will hapen thx to fastin month...i relax.
watchin sum clips make me change(mayb)tat i wan spent more time w mum n help her more.
especially wen i noe tat tmr is unpredictable...
well enough said.
i wan thx ppl who guided me:dabt study.though im sori i did a little.
i try my best b good student:P

Sep 7, 2010

arh ramadan endin soon

y i hate it u ask?
cuz it mean tat hari raya is here.
so it means tat o level is here.
which means i will b leavin ppl i love.
which means i will lose part of my life.

though of cuz 80% im cumin back bowen 4 next 2 yrs im nt thr s a student.n thr is no hy,rai furious 5...shahira,rosma...many suck:'(

today clean game.nice!

then ya....k love u!

Sep 4, 2010


hi wassup!
o man tirin siol...

haha nice thx vijay n sharina everytime nw i will go the wall post:D

fuyoh gt pervert izzit in fb?(if u noe hu i tlkin abt...bloody malay)

hmm...v tired bye!watchin ghost whisperer

Sep 3, 2010

helo!no sch!

hey hi!i had to wake up early to sent lil sis to sch.c good boy:D
haha thnk you thnk you!

then do little warm up...4 the day.then do hse work 4 mum:D

then go prayer...go new to take the recruit out.:Pdamn bad khalid...tsk tsk tsk...

oya today mit lot of ppl i didnt tot wud mit.first i met the weird north light guy(our personal trainer)..i went out of mosque n heard sumone shout abang.i turn then he cum w his gang.wasnt reli close to him bt wen he salam me kiss my hand others follow!ppl luk at me siol.well they gt two reason 4 tat i they tink i old.second they tink i godfather:Di prefer the latter.

then on bus saw shafiq(eunos)wah blonde hair siol!

haha so today was nice:Dlearnt a ting or two abt new "recruit".

hey hows ur mt?luv you byes!

Sep 2, 2010

hey wassup!today hyper!

hey hey!saw mj!haha mood go up hapi!
rai i reli study abit.

n unfortunateli im nt proud of it.cuz geog wasnt good at all.math was ok bt geog!aiyah dissapointin....

after paper tlk n joke arnd:Dwlk w hy n met rai n chella who was also doin the cca shit ting...
we end up tlkin abt ppl n prom.haha sori last min change.

then play soccer.o no it seems ppl reli tink i suck at soccer!shit.ok i don deny i hv nt been playin it 4 long time.well i play takrw more last time.
then again it suck.sum ppl tryin tell me wat to do.good ting i show them i gt sum "skill"left...vellan didnt believe i score n stuff like tat-.-arh...
bt ya today n jon disturbin every gal tat wlk pass.I was the 'good' guy while jon the pervert.haha damn fun.

o hy i sori today suck:(

hmm...tmr no sch hehe nice!muah byes!