Sep 15, 2010


hey sup!

oh shit.a was easier than i tink bt nt tat easy tat i cn pass...make sense?tats how bad i m.

finish on time.tats the good part...cuz it means tat i have no time to pity me.

after paper.s usal the group would play soccer.i joined.n i scored first goal.well i don score much.i suck at ya today i was "on form".

played 4 game straight without its kinda cool.especially wen every game i would score at least one.lee yang become my team mate.v w me well.

lee yang frends came.frendli bunch.i was the onli one shakin hands n stuff w them.they gt tis freakin tall guy-china guy standin at 1.9m plus.ppl was like,"he's a fuckin wall"
firstd up against them was jumar n his team.then it was aaron n his team.he wanted me join.playin against the big guy was nt as difficult.maybe bcuz he feel awkward.seeing tis i took advantage n ya wen he gt the ball everyone go defend leavin him at his own half alone.n i got tis sudden rush n tackle unfortunately i miss my shot!!!!!!

so ya today kinda cool.those guys waited 4 me 4 my bus.thx syukor,hariz n vellan:D

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