Sep 3, 2010

helo!no sch!

hey hi!i had to wake up early to sent lil sis to sch.c good boy:D
haha thnk you thnk you!

then do little warm up...4 the day.then do hse work 4 mum:D

then go prayer...go new to take the recruit out.:Pdamn bad khalid...tsk tsk tsk...

oya today mit lot of ppl i didnt tot wud mit.first i met the weird north light guy(our personal trainer)..i went out of mosque n heard sumone shout abang.i turn then he cum w his gang.wasnt reli close to him bt wen he salam me kiss my hand others follow!ppl luk at me siol.well they gt two reason 4 tat i they tink i old.second they tink i godfather:Di prefer the latter.

then on bus saw shafiq(eunos)wah blonde hair siol!

haha so today was nice:Dlearnt a ting or two abt new "recruit".

hey hows ur mt?luv you byes!

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