Sep 2, 2010

hey wassup!today hyper!

hey hey!saw mj!haha mood go up hapi!
rai i reli study abit.

n unfortunateli im nt proud of it.cuz geog wasnt good at all.math was ok bt geog!aiyah dissapointin....

after paper tlk n joke arnd:Dwlk w hy n met rai n chella who was also doin the cca shit ting...
we end up tlkin abt ppl n prom.haha sori last min change.

then play soccer.o no it seems ppl reli tink i suck at soccer!shit.ok i don deny i hv nt been playin it 4 long time.well i play takrw more last time.
then again it suck.sum ppl tryin tell me wat to do.good ting i show them i gt sum "skill"left...vellan didnt believe i score n stuff like tat-.-arh...
bt ya today n jon disturbin every gal tat wlk pass.I was the 'good' guy while jon the pervert.haha damn fun.

o hy i sori today suck:(

hmm...tmr no sch hehe nice!muah byes!

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