Sep 27, 2010

hari raya gathering in sch:D

hey yo!


today nice la...
we had fun in

after sch wen to hariz hse finsh some shit.atiq confirm nt nice:P
hmm then wlk back to sch...s.s was ok...blabla

after tat wen to hall.the first ting i saw was ppl wearin hari raya clothes....wen i change already n wanted to enter i cn c ppl nt wearin baju raya-.-

hmm play don 4gt the lyric.i onli noe two ans bt nv go out.onli nurul nadia did:P

oya afiqah power la dance!
hmm lower sec very good to me ah?y...hmm.....

thx hy too...n kumar...n furious 5:D

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