Nov 8, 2010

heartbreaking day?

ppl may wan to noe wat hapen today.but lets leave this post for a teacher that touch my life.

he was a great man.a calm cool teacher...always supportive n even joke alot.

wen i first join his class.i didnt like him.well i hated mt class.but he was thr to gv me encouragement.always tellin me n some of my classmates that he see potential a1 for mt.
n there were those in my class that wasnt good in mt.slack alot but he nv really scold them.he respected us as young adult n trust us with free time.i believe everyone rmb his joke"cikgu suke hari macam gini tau.boleh bau kek"n he will sniff the air n say the aroma from the FnN kitchen is very nice.

i rmb that wen i wanted to take my n level.i came to him 4 help.he wanted to go off.hearin that i needed his help he came back to the class to help me.thr he told me that i will get a1 for o level.

fast forward to sec 5.wen i got back my result for mt.he came to me n congratulate me.he say he was very proud of me n raihan n have always seen our potential.

the regret i had was that i didnt mit him.i wanted to mit him after o finish.i guess its too late.i was rude to him b4 n he change me.

not an ordinary man he is.i love him.he is my cikgu ismail.i will never forget his guidance.i will never forget the way he would ask me how i m doin n the way he pat my back.

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