Nov 12, 2010

last paper n our journey end here

hey congrats o level ppl:Dwe finish it!can u believe it?
soon we all go separate ways n mit new ppl...those that will bcum our frend or enemy.those that will cheer us up n those that hurt us...

well life in bowen have been a great journey:)i hurt ppl...physicali n mentali.n i too got the was a meaninful journey n i learnt alot

thanks n sorry to those i hurt bcuz i flirt alot.
sori to those that i had hurt wen we separate.
sori to those that i touch.sori to those that i kiss.
sori to those that i hug.
sori to those that i said i love you but at last betray not good in love.i play w it.but reli evrygal that i say i love b4,at that point in time i tot i felt love.i wan to say i felt it.but we not tgt right?thats y ''true love'' is wat i don believe in.

i came to bowen with one ting in mind.that is to just come in.beat ppl that has to gt it n then finsh study...

but after hy dare me to look at gals eyes...i wen to different route.i start to play arnd.
sec 3 was my ''rise of khalid'' whr i got popular n start flirtin arnd...but then...thr was also ''fall of khalid wen i took a big risk.i started to reli fell in love.wen i gt hurt....i start hurtin others again.

sec 4 n 5 was kinda cool.get closer w the nice ppl:)the rai gang:D
also wen the furious 5 heart(hut) was cut down we got closer tgt.
of cuz thr were instances whr we gt major fight whr i raise my voice at sori raihan i cnt 4gt that:(
there were also time whr i hit ben so sori too.
n thr also the big clash w sori too..
im sori to hy bcuz i keep breakin ur heart.

n im sori to hariz for the bully.
i nv like to say sori.but i love everyone of u as a frend.n its time 4 me to say sori right.

i love you bowenian

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