Nov 21, 2010

o yeah

haha tmr go hq..m i ready?hmm...hope wont kena f tmr...
it feels kinda weird...not seriously...for like wat two years?how the hell m im suppose to find the block n fall in on time?!

oyeah today go home at 2am...we go drivin arnd singapore...damn no life?maybe...i nearly again read!o finish then wan read-.-

then today go haw par villa...
hmm the place weird...old...n out.
the ten gate of hell was cool...though abit saddistic all those punishment...can u believe it?the 6 court of hell(i tink 6)says that if u waste food at hell they cut u in half!

if u do prostitution u get drown in blood...alot more crazier stuff down thr man!!!

oya there is also tis..once u reach the ''gate'' they say the good ppl will wlk to heaven by the golden bridge.the bad but turn good would wlk by the silver bridge..the bad will face their punishment.''once u down thr'' thr would b a mirror that reflect u.

n so over at haw par thr is tis two mirror.u hv to look at it n the mirror show if u r bad or good person in the mum n sis check n tis face light up.the good guy.
wen my dad n me check...bloody hell thr tis devil-like face tat light up!WTF!!!

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