Nov 15, 2010


life is getting great or what?

ok first up:)
i went to devi n durga hse for deepavali:Doyeah it was fun:DDD
waited for the whole group at bowen front gate busstop:)gonggong late!:)

ok i was hyper for the n dance n also my ''charm'' also work on little kids?
tis little cuzin of devi kip cumin to me to get hug n carried by me:)))
ok then we play w stuff at void deck:)

today more fun fun fun:D
we(me,kumar n khairiah) came to temasek poly very early.n i can say thr is alot of chio bu!
haha jkjk.
ok then we met w ms lok:)she rmb me as khairul:Dhaha
that is ok.kumar was like how la khalid ppl noe u...

the seminar start n it was fun:Dwe get to c how ppl got hack n stuff!then at the end of session there was this 3 question quiz that hv to b summited by sms.the fastest finger win.n guess wat i WON!thanks to hyriah for gvin sum ans too.
go up to the front n took picture:D
kumar gettin jealous haha but then sumtin more shiok hapen!
this head of sumtin came to me n like abit interview me...n then she said she was publish me n my ans on the mag!power or wat haha!but thr i was shy shy ah...

then the refreshment area the emcee came to us n told us to join his cca.his cca elite siol!
to make tings short (sori if i braggin)i was like ''popular'' thr!even kumar was shock!he was like ''khalid tell me wat u did.y u so popular''
then i joke ah i like harry potter he ron n hy s hermione:)haha
then ya wen we goin one guy tell me to come to the ''camp'' n ya i wlk out of thr feelin damn hyper!

oh....yeah...i gave hy one of the prize since im holdin two n ya all of us also gt a thumbdrive...
i can say tis...i tink the lecturer thr aimin on 3 of us alr:)they kip pointin n comin to us to tell us to join:DDD

luvvvvvv today......

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