Aug 31, 2009

mj song....i relate tis to my life??

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
You are not alone

All alone

Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
So forever can begin

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Then something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
And you are not alone

Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And girl you know that I'll be there
I'll be there

You are not alone
I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
You are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart

For you are not alone

edited a little...
there is a place
Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
and this place could be Much
Brighter Than Tomorrow

And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need
To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel
That There's No Hurt Or Sorrow

There Are Ways
To Get There
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place...

Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

If You Want To Know Why
There's A Love That
Cannot Lie
Love Is Strong
It Only Cares For
Joyful Giving

If We Try
We Shall See
In This Bliss
We Cannot Feel
Fear Or Dread
We Stop Existing And
Start Living

Then It Feels That Always
Love's Enough For
Us Growing
And The Dream We Were
Conceived In
Will Reveal A Joyful Face
And The World We
Once Believed In
Will Shine Again In Grace
Then Why Do We Keep
Strangling Life

ok to my best bros...

thanks 4 rmberin me!i was touch went mou quan ran n hug!i still rmb he was my first chinese members bt affect me alot.i even dreamt one night tat sometin happen to u...n u noe wat happen..the next day i hug u n carried was a bit gay bt Nazrul n mou quan r the best bro i ever had...
Yes i gt kumar n my "furious five" bt the friendship i forge w my two bro is not the same s my one cn beat them to it bcos they r n onli one tat stood bside me wen troubles came...tellin me to run n sacrifice themself...hide me from OM n stuff thx guys.

Raz thx 4 the company...
lohan sori i called u lohan...
Ferouz sorry 4 callin u pendek n beat u alot last time....
MOu quan thx 4 being there
NAZ thx 4 nv 4gttin me...
helmi sorry i threaten u alot man...
haix n 4 the otherss...COOL PEOPLE!!!


firstly HAPPY TEACHER's DAY to all teachers out there!

morning had soccer comp. thingy n we lost...however the gals team won!wow!the reluctant team wont!!i was so amaze on their agility!raihan prove me wrong man!!n hy wat a nice save!!!

the concert was like damn borin...-_-felt like slpin bt w maha bside me n sab doin tings she not suppose to i just cnt!wow!hype seh...

b4 goin to my alma mater gt to wait 4 raz at first bt then skali she kena wait 4 me....sori...
went to EUNOS was awkward....met some friends n all the memories came back...
firstli:they rmb me cos of negative ting...we was like "eh!!thats where we rembat him ect ect"{P
then meet BAPAK SUNG!!!!yeah took some pic w him:)then at last meet mr dd.cb all the memories came back.i wan to 4gt bt i cant...we luk at each other in the eye 4 a long time...then he said he nid to go to his class...b4 he went he said"wah gd arh u ppl nv 4gt us."
i ans"hu wud 4gt the teachers in eunos...."i added after his eyes met mine"hu wud 4gt u cher"-of cos i said it w a smile:)))))))

Aug 30, 2009


yeah tings r lukin gd 2day~!!!even though i missin ya....

bt i made peace w my sis!!!!yeah

happy belated mj


watch the concert...n tinkin abt what he did n what he gt in return made me feel sorry for him...may he rest in peace..

hearin him singing his heart out make my heart go tight...
other star gt money by bad he...duit halal

cnt tink of a title...

wow it seems u

2day im just waitin after today...future will b different...

thx 4 all those...muacks

Aug 29, 2009

wat a day

actuali today wanted to b after wat u tell me my mind could not concentrate...

s.s was soso....goin hm tat time i got to w e headache i nearly fell sia...

haix luv u

Aug 28, 2009

nv tot tis would happen

b4 my com off itself again...

2day first time i see my class havin class spirit...n the feeiln is great..suppose to "coach"adeline bt she is Good!..anw tis two ppl amaze me
JON TOH:He CN play soccer!even though a little too rough i like...i flew off went i one of my tries in today onli 2 goal 4 me...
ADELINE:WOW!everytime i gt the ball on my feet she would shout 4 me to past to her..there4 the whole 45 mins i played assist to the gal torres....

teachers nv cum again...bored...kacau kumar w ehem again....

then everytim bcum...sux???wat happen to u man...haiz...all i cn say is pls....

Aug 27, 2009


c cnt kip it from it tat long tats wat i call bro...u share w me...thx!!!N GD LUCK W IT!!!rmb nex wik must intro me:)don wori i c no touch:P

2day alot of teacher nv little math n yes bcum UN again!ws fought w 'g' gal n i gt to stop them...cum on don fight gal over petty tings...nearli played soccer bt no mood in the end...

anw tis is 4 U is it u cnt or u dowan??if u noe i tlkin abt u reply mayb u wont noe its u cos u would 4gt right???haiz.....

Aug 26, 2009

nice day....i tink...

for a start...everytin went quite well early in the class gt 2 'fight' 4t1 so ya a lot of ppl say we will lose...i don care.we should not go away without a fight!we should lose n win w pride n honour.tis was wat i tel gals in my class n yeah they join(tlk abt charm right...)even KUMAR CNT MAKE THEM JOIN THE COMPETITION!

So I would like to thx khairiah(sakit2 wan join),rosma(first girl to join),raihan(the one hu tell me to go fight),atiqah(the last min captain),Devi(the one who ask me"khalid i don noe how play but cn i still join since u wan us to??"hehe),lechumi n nadia (both say they join be4 i could nag on goin 4 the comp) N ADELINE!!!(the one tat i touch the heart n influence her to tell the other girls to join):)power lah last i c the class spirit!I LOVE U GUYS!

Aug 25, 2009

sayin tat i like

"if u don't have ENEMIES,u don't have CHARACTER"
paul newman

did not noe will on com...

arh 2day damn soocer n stuff...thirsty n hungry whole day...

goin home alot of tings hapen n its kinda at last got hm n kip tinkin abt wat hapen...

y r gals so difficult to understand???y cant u just share??y the silent?

Aug 24, 2009

...i nd help

ok i nd kumar help rev nv do d***!!!raihan power buat no no...haix tryin do eng bt im lost...!!!wat should i do???

anw vellan fast today n veri cute kip sayin bad words n we like stopin each other from doin it...haix...bad habit hard to erase...

Aug 23, 2009



i just witness sometin i hate...he hit him...y...he is just n old man.y m i feelin like tis??i saw hiw slapin that old man... i wish he die


im gtin info from Tijani..he is a muslim n wow i read his facebook n everytin is abt islam.chatin w him now...ok he is ok 4 me hope i won offend him in any way cos im askin him sensitive issue


hey thx 4 taggin!!!i tot tat was the end on 21st...heheall the best 4 ur o tau:)

i guess u move on huh??

i read i interpret...i don wan to believe wat i tink bt if its 4 real then i wish u gd luck n all the best.

missin u actually.....

2day nv do anytin xcept surfin net...regret it though

Aug 22, 2009

hapi berpuasa ppl

today wake up early 4 tuition...i 4gt cnt eat:P
go 4 tuition bt nv study instead kip tinkin of wat u r doin....
at last go hm n use com...learnt some move n chat w abt tings tat nt suppose to tlk abt bt its farhan hu cares!

did little work out n felt diff...goin online bcum borin now...d***...
wonder wats susanti is doin now...hapi berpausa yeah?
raz bagusnye tolong mak....sejuk my perut:P

stomach grumbling nw....OK everyone i noe i wont get a chance to tell everyone im sorry bt those hu read this from the bottom of my heart forgive me for whatever i had done to u intensionali or unantinsionali ok?i hope u have better future n don 4gt me hehe

Aug 21, 2009

some1 tol me tis

i rmb my ex askin u syg,cinte or suke her...n i hv to chuse 1....i chose syg n tats was the right ans....y we break up ws a stupid fault....

now some1 tell me syg is not luv...AHHHH????i was so hapi at first

i love friends tat cn last long distance!!!

so far i hv SUSANTI(SINGAPORE),LEJLA MUMINOVIC(RUSSIA),TIJANI S IMRAN(nt tat close yet bt he gt to noe me at facebook...he wan add me n guess his first question to me...r u a policeman??hehe.)Alexis Clifton(Lincoln High..not close),Chelsey Mcphee(cute gt to noe her from yoville too),Daviesha Lewis(the scary 1),Emil Marić(the guy hu take my dear lejla..haha...if onli i nv ignore her 4 1 wik)...alot of tis name came from facebook...thr is other names bt nt tat close n they from other friends network...

bt really I LOVE U!!!xcept the guys especially EMIL!!!!

the one tat nv make it is zsazsa(chij i ignore her more than 2 wiks n she gt angry...sori)

ok wat a day

saw afiqah...tot man catch up w her bt....haix...

2day damn hyper mayb bcos of wat she tell me ytd.i jump arnd help teacher she also shocked i damn hyper.i dance arnd n raihan n hyriah was like khalid wat hapen to u???...

p.e score nice goals assist of idris...prabhu cnt run off ehem to kumar n he say sometin make me malu....anw the ehem nt pervert....the day goes well i gt good result n aimin 4 sec 5...y?bcos i wan do it 4 tis one person...she noe hu she is....

came back bowen after prayers n slack w the slackers from sec 3 squad...cnt tell their name skali they they were fun...tlk lots of ting then hy,rosma n priya came-_-tlk cock session w my fellow slackers ended...o ya go gym tk ajak...sad....

n ok i still cnt accept the realiti...i still LOVE U!!!!

Aug 20, 2009


yo gals hu luv camwhorin thr is one article on camwhore n they say its bad...i did not balieve bt serious stop camwhore one gal confirm malu if tis ting hapen to her...onli those hu r close to me in my class noe wat i tlkin abt...

n those 'bitches' out thr...cum on kesian tau...i gt to noe u go to tis frend of mine...n he tlk abt u n its bad sad lah u r a good gal bt wat hapen...he gt a gf though so just chuse the right guy k???icnt even luk at u noe...i paiseh noe...

n su jng jealous i now will speak my mind to those gal out thr!!im nw gtin ready 4 a rough ride!!!!!YEAHHHHH BABYYYYYY

wat a soso day

at last gt a freakin damn a1...all i mis by 1 or 2 marks bt eng gt a1!i noe i deserve it THE DAMN U grade last time was impossible!!!

haix nv reply again...n thx 4 everytin...we came from diff world im still proud though im nt s cum on hu cares right!?n thx 4 tellin me everytin ppl...tmr fil like nt goin np...sori ma'am...mayb i go my np 'wife' tell me go haha!go hm late i wlk arnd slp n go back khairul??his name i tink n tlk abt ehem ehem....hehe...should i still act s if i hapi???i don noe...onli god noe how i feel

Aug 19, 2009


cnt wait 4 tmr seh...

YES result was ohkay...evrytin also mis by 1 mark 4 damn A1-xcept humans!!!!nw waitin 4 the my situational writin the best:)CHAI SEH!!!physic paper 1 highest is 18/20 n i gt 18!!!m i showin off???i think so!bt don care...

go back w ben bt wlk w gail-2 kacau:Pwen goin back hm tlk abt ehem...(psst tmr i tel u its u) n then saw my ex schoolmate from my alma mater.she allight the bus w me n i tot she nv c me....then she came n thx me cos i save her tat time...if u don like me showin off don read on...

tat day i saw a man go sit bside her n saw him actin suspisiousli...then i realise she was being molested by tat DAMN man!!!since i was bringin np uni tat time i believe it was my duty so i stand up approached the man...tol the gal to stand up...the man ran away sadli i nv run after him cos the gal luk frighten so i calm her last i tell the gal to sit down w a bowenian Melinda n try to luk 4 the man...i mis him..

if onli i grab hold of me confirm i hero eh:)bt i hapi i gt to help n innocent 4 all the gals out thr pls shout 4 help if u nd help cos especialli me i will cum 2 ur rescue:D

ok from ytd 2 today

ytd i 4gt wat happen...i rmb raihan call me handsome hahaha n some1 told me tat she gt a feelin tat it will b a memorable day...oya i nearly fought w syed...haix wat lah bro...

2day second day of getin back the papers...YES all past xcept a math...onli phy n combined humans haven gt it back...!FINGER CROSSED!

ok then some thing make me proud...some sec 3 came to me to ask 4 help:)nt hapi abt b4 n after sch tlk to sec1 gt involve n she gt 'scared' by me...the sec 3 words make me hapi sayin tat they cn trust me:)confirm i then one ex nco not hapi w me alr cos i tlk to her...i sided them a bit so she nt hapi...if u reading tis listen...Wen ew took over the unit we wanted to show CIs how capable we r...n now its time 4 them the new nco to do is like a car...the fuel is cadets the car is the nco,CIs is the driver n we r the steerin wheel...we help them n guide them to the excellence...Sorry that i sided the sec3 bt tis time they r not wrong...

we cn cum 4 np bt 2 assist the cis n ncos not to take over...mayb we cn if they do a terrible i believe in them.we do the protocol.

all the best to those who is taking exams n gd luck w ur results ppl!


Aug 18, 2009

hey i think i lost my i malas write again.....

aiyah no nd lah...

im gettin fed up


Aug 16, 2009

my family convoy

yeah ok ytd my family went 4 a convoy thingy...w my sis cousin(KAK IJA) n bro cousin(ABG FARIS)....tis is wat happen
15th august-
430am:wake up...everyone gt ready n head 4 the link...sms her nv reply...sadded....

650am:we arrive at ayer keroh...abg fariz n his family was thr...the shop wasnt open yet so played w abg faris 2 yr old daughter...n psp...kak ija family came...we ate breakfast thr n the food was...ehem...after eatin we headed 4 melacca....

8 plus am: we arrive at MYDIN shoppin mall...its just like mustafa center except tat they don hv a lot of indians was damn spacious!we shop n eat thr till i don noe wen...

at 12???we rested outside MYDIN...ate ice cream n just tlk nonsense...suddenli we heard a lady shouted 4 help...luk bhind n c the lady cryin help...she was a victim of snatch theft...the guy hu took her bag sped sad...she was a malaysian n she is a victim of malaysian crooks...

after tat all the lady tat go 4 tis trip hang on to their bag w more strength...we guys just make a joke out of it sayin we cn fly after the bad guy n stuff...lame bt 4 me fun:)

we went to one mall n alot of girls dare me go to one gal to ask 4 number...i dowan so dad call me a food court i look at a lady-she was takin pic of her food n type on her laptop...Food critic or sometin??...

we ate n shop again til late 11 we went one place i rmb i go thr b4 w bowen schmates...then my father suggested we spent a night thr!!!i object to i miss u!!i wan sms u...ur pic was all tat i we went hm...

goin hm was more fun my family gt separated from others n we lost our way...we got 2 a kampong village bt luckyli gt back on track...

ok it was goin to 12 midnight n everytin was dark..some kind hearted ppl tell my mum not to stop at pagoh..sayin unpleasent sightin cn b seen thr...

2300hrs:the way back seems veri long..lightning came on n imagination ran wild... then suddenli my mum ask my dad if he has seen wat she dad blur...then my sis said to my mum"u mean if daddy saw the lady or not??"wow!damn i tell myself i just miss sometin mum said she saw a lady wlkin at the side of the way its human my dad reply her...mayb he is scarin me n my sibs bt its logic....y is thr a lady wlkin at 11 o clock at night at a highway...
the funny ting abt tis trip hm thr was no car to b sin...

2330hrs the first car was seen!A SINGAPORE CAR!!but the car dissapear...n again darknest came..the light beam from my dad car tat was shone on the side trees takes a shape of a bird!me my bro tlk abt the bird s our car's petronas...harry potter again..i tried take a pic of it bt cnt..
2345hrs:onli me my dad n mum was dad kept dozin off!!!the car went left right n my dad sang songs to keep us awake n we tlk dirty tings to make ting mum just joins in.... at last we gt to macap..met the other 2 family thr...n then we took off 4 singapore tis time i sleep...nearin to checkpoint i woke up!!!!AT LAST!!!MY HP WILL B PUT 2 A GD USE!!
its was 2-3am:i sms her....nv reply...too late alr...haix...zzzzz

Aug 14, 2009

last day of prelim

YEAH 24 more days 4 N level...hehe

just nw taking prelim someting hilarious hapen...i doin chem...tinkin-shit my a1 goin off...then i heard a"fhiuhh....." i luk arnd n guess wat?tat ben was playin w his pen s if one hand is an aeroplane n the other is "ppl"?!wow childish...

then after sch n prayer stayed back to c someppl...ok i admit i mis my NPCC!!I MISS MY SQUAD!!! life nw man...

sit w yijin n soonlam-they studying...after tat go hm...

tmr goin malacca wow!scared...ok bye ppl i LOVE u ppl

Aug 11, 2009


hey nw i noe y u like tat!u watch tat knd of video...hehe...but i like it!lol tc ppl bye!!wow nd study alr...nw then can stress out beb
wow thx razieya!the video u tell me go watch damn nice i laugh all the way
tis will b fast...thanks rh 4 the disc...damn nice...touch...i feel like i was thr again...

razieya sori cum on...

hy thx....4 ur time to do the give me the...n gt watch the video rh gv???tats the proof of u being a bully to me...c im a gd guy...

afiqah gt well soon....

roxanne i will help u n thx 4 the passin of tat ting just now

Aug 9, 2009

4 rouhui

I want to thx rouhui 4 the pic of the pop n the picture takin session she post on facebook!thx sis!
happy national day singapore!

today lots of thing happen:)saw thiviya 2:)helo:P

now the ndp im watchin charlie the unicorn...some1 tell me go watch n its lame!thx eh

Aug 7, 2009

what is hate?
ate is when u tink tis..
H-hellno is the answer
A-actually i still luv u tats y i hate u more
T-tinking abt again
E-enough is enough!y kip tinkin abt u!IHATEYOU
wont pass n post the pic n video till...i don noe wen...sori...

congrats npcc n other ug 4 the nice parade n congrats audrey 4 the performance:)

cum to sch was damn hyper...she wan me die also i cn take it haha!
hyper all the way bt wen everytin finish slack w douheng n ben onli..wanted to go watch movie bt sometin made us change our squad wan go out tgt bt i said no...y?sometin is wrong bt i cnt make a point out of it...anw if U r reading tis im sori k?anw while sitting at void deck w ben they all i tlk 2 ben abt u...n i tried 2 make i cnt....lols crazy khalid...

for raz im sori i go tlk abt tat ting man...if the ting kip poping out tel into ur eyes tell me...
nw i noe ape u r scared of...hehe...(^0.0^)

Aug 6, 2009

firstly thanks to my dear cadet audrey n ((:) also jesllyn..

today damn nice...prelim seems a little easier than i expect...after tat slack at canteen...i 4gt the male teacher again(he luk like malay) he me n ben go 4 chin up...damn i lose him by three?bt i win ben haha....mrs dorothy lim wanted me to support her student bcause they singing n i kepo go sing w then go hm n tlk to her comfort 4 awhile...ITS NOT WAT U TINK IT IS

she cried cos i say someting bt then tlk abt her 'favor' subject n we laugh all the way..

yes tmr confirm hyper im gonna stand up n sing baby!i dare u ppl too

Aug 5, 2009

4 the person tat support me thx!especially khairiah thx sis n razieya thanks babe!the (.) guy haix...sad lah....
Gonna take you right
Just show your face
In broad daylight
I'm telling you
On how I feel
Gonna hurt your mind
Dont shoot to kill
Come on,
Lay it on me all right...

I'm giving you
On count of three
To show your stuff
Or let it be . . .
I'm telling you
Just watch your mouth
I know your game
What you're about

Well they say the skys the limit
And to me thats really true
But my friend you have seen nothing
Just wait 'til I get through . . .The word is out
You're doin' wrong
Gonna lock you up
Before too long,
Your lyin' eyes
Gonna take you right
So listen up
Don't make a fight,
Your talk is cheap
You're not a man
You're throwin stones
To hide your hands

tis is aken from somewhr...the coward (.) guy not hapi GTFO FREAK!its my way or NO WAY PUSSY

Aug 2, 2009

haix...wats ur prob

some1 flag my eh...cb...

ok friday gt 2 wear ful some pic thingy...must post alot n i damn 2 noe more
rh seems angry y??haix....

ytd nv go anywhr til my dad gt bored n brought us 2 changi....nk cari bapuk bt not a single came out...
sit by the beach lukin at the was beautiful..i 4gt bring my**
angan2 ehem were bside me...hehe...
then wenn goin home saw a girl luk like __ sound like her 2...haix...seeing tings again...

otw hm go past changi hospital...thr is a hill thr n my father half way up thr my sis shouted sating she wan go hm...borin...