Aug 26, 2009

nice day....i tink...

for a start...everytin went quite well early in the class gt 2 'fight' 4t1 so ya a lot of ppl say we will lose...i don care.we should not go away without a fight!we should lose n win w pride n honour.tis was wat i tel gals in my class n yeah they join(tlk abt charm right...)even KUMAR CNT MAKE THEM JOIN THE COMPETITION!

So I would like to thx khairiah(sakit2 wan join),rosma(first girl to join),raihan(the one hu tell me to go fight),atiqah(the last min captain),Devi(the one who ask me"khalid i don noe how play but cn i still join since u wan us to??"hehe),lechumi n nadia (both say they join be4 i could nag on goin 4 the comp) N ADELINE!!!(the one tat i touch the heart n influence her to tell the other girls to join):)power lah last i c the class spirit!I LOVE U GUYS!

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