Aug 19, 2009

ok from ytd 2 today

ytd i 4gt wat happen...i rmb raihan call me handsome hahaha n some1 told me tat she gt a feelin tat it will b a memorable day...oya i nearly fought w syed...haix wat lah bro...

2day second day of getin back the papers...YES all past xcept a math...onli phy n combined humans haven gt it back...!FINGER CROSSED!

ok then some thing make me proud...some sec 3 came to me to ask 4 help:)nt hapi abt b4 n after sch tlk to sec1 gt involve n she gt 'scared' by me...the sec 3 words make me hapi sayin tat they cn trust me:)confirm i then one ex nco not hapi w me alr cos i tlk to her...i sided them a bit so she nt hapi...if u reading tis listen...Wen ew took over the unit we wanted to show CIs how capable we r...n now its time 4 them the new nco to do is like a car...the fuel is cadets the car is the nco,CIs is the driver n we r the steerin wheel...we help them n guide them to the excellence...Sorry that i sided the sec3 bt tis time they r not wrong...

we cn cum 4 np bt 2 assist the cis n ncos not to take over...mayb we cn if they do a terrible i believe in them.we do the protocol.

all the best to those who is taking exams n gd luck w ur results ppl!


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