Aug 19, 2009


cnt wait 4 tmr seh...

YES result was ohkay...evrytin also mis by 1 mark 4 damn A1-xcept humans!!!!nw waitin 4 the my situational writin the best:)CHAI SEH!!!physic paper 1 highest is 18/20 n i gt 18!!!m i showin off???i think so!bt don care...

go back w ben bt wlk w gail-2 kacau:Pwen goin back hm tlk abt ehem...(psst tmr i tel u its u) n then saw my ex schoolmate from my alma mater.she allight the bus w me n i tot she nv c me....then she came n thx me cos i save her tat time...if u don like me showin off don read on...

tat day i saw a man go sit bside her n saw him actin suspisiousli...then i realise she was being molested by tat DAMN man!!!since i was bringin np uni tat time i believe it was my duty so i stand up approached the man...tol the gal to stand up...the man ran away sadli i nv run after him cos the gal luk frighten so i calm her last i tell the gal to sit down w a bowenian Melinda n try to luk 4 the man...i mis him..

if onli i grab hold of me confirm i hero eh:)bt i hapi i gt to help n innocent 4 all the gals out thr pls shout 4 help if u nd help cos especialli me i will cum 2 ur rescue:D

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