Aug 31, 2009


firstly HAPPY TEACHER's DAY to all teachers out there!

morning had soccer comp. thingy n we lost...however the gals team won!wow!the reluctant team wont!!i was so amaze on their agility!raihan prove me wrong man!!n hy wat a nice save!!!

the concert was like damn borin...-_-felt like slpin bt w maha bside me n sab doin tings she not suppose to i just cnt!wow!hype seh...

b4 goin to my alma mater gt to wait 4 raz at first bt then skali she kena wait 4 me....sori...
went to EUNOS was awkward....met some friends n all the memories came back...
firstli:they rmb me cos of negative ting...we was like "eh!!thats where we rembat him ect ect"{P
then meet BAPAK SUNG!!!!yeah took some pic w him:)then at last meet mr dd.cb all the memories came back.i wan to 4gt bt i cant...we luk at each other in the eye 4 a long time...then he said he nid to go to his class...b4 he went he said"wah gd arh u ppl nv 4gt us."
i ans"hu wud 4gt the teachers in eunos...."i added after his eyes met mine"hu wud 4gt u cher"-of cos i said it w a smile:)))))))

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