Aug 16, 2009

my family convoy

yeah ok ytd my family went 4 a convoy thingy...w my sis cousin(KAK IJA) n bro cousin(ABG FARIS)....tis is wat happen
15th august-
430am:wake up...everyone gt ready n head 4 the link...sms her nv reply...sadded....

650am:we arrive at ayer keroh...abg fariz n his family was thr...the shop wasnt open yet so played w abg faris 2 yr old daughter...n psp...kak ija family came...we ate breakfast thr n the food was...ehem...after eatin we headed 4 melacca....

8 plus am: we arrive at MYDIN shoppin mall...its just like mustafa center except tat they don hv a lot of indians was damn spacious!we shop n eat thr till i don noe wen...

at 12???we rested outside MYDIN...ate ice cream n just tlk nonsense...suddenli we heard a lady shouted 4 help...luk bhind n c the lady cryin help...she was a victim of snatch theft...the guy hu took her bag sped sad...she was a malaysian n she is a victim of malaysian crooks...

after tat all the lady tat go 4 tis trip hang on to their bag w more strength...we guys just make a joke out of it sayin we cn fly after the bad guy n stuff...lame bt 4 me fun:)

we went to one mall n alot of girls dare me go to one gal to ask 4 number...i dowan so dad call me a food court i look at a lady-she was takin pic of her food n type on her laptop...Food critic or sometin??...

we ate n shop again til late 11 we went one place i rmb i go thr b4 w bowen schmates...then my father suggested we spent a night thr!!!i object to i miss u!!i wan sms u...ur pic was all tat i we went hm...

goin hm was more fun my family gt separated from others n we lost our way...we got 2 a kampong village bt luckyli gt back on track...

ok it was goin to 12 midnight n everytin was dark..some kind hearted ppl tell my mum not to stop at pagoh..sayin unpleasent sightin cn b seen thr...

2300hrs:the way back seems veri long..lightning came on n imagination ran wild... then suddenli my mum ask my dad if he has seen wat she dad blur...then my sis said to my mum"u mean if daddy saw the lady or not??"wow!damn i tell myself i just miss sometin mum said she saw a lady wlkin at the side of the way its human my dad reply her...mayb he is scarin me n my sibs bt its logic....y is thr a lady wlkin at 11 o clock at night at a highway...
the funny ting abt tis trip hm thr was no car to b sin...

2330hrs the first car was seen!A SINGAPORE CAR!!but the car dissapear...n again darknest came..the light beam from my dad car tat was shone on the side trees takes a shape of a bird!me my bro tlk abt the bird s our car's petronas...harry potter again..i tried take a pic of it bt cnt..
2345hrs:onli me my dad n mum was dad kept dozin off!!!the car went left right n my dad sang songs to keep us awake n we tlk dirty tings to make ting mum just joins in.... at last we gt to macap..met the other 2 family thr...n then we took off 4 singapore tis time i sleep...nearin to checkpoint i woke up!!!!AT LAST!!!MY HP WILL B PUT 2 A GD USE!!
its was 2-3am:i sms her....nv reply...too late alr...haix...zzzzz

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