Aug 20, 2009


yo gals hu luv camwhorin thr is one article on camwhore n they say its bad...i did not balieve bt serious stop camwhore one gal confirm malu if tis ting hapen to her...onli those hu r close to me in my class noe wat i tlkin abt...

n those 'bitches' out thr...cum on kesian tau...i gt to noe u go to tis frend of mine...n he tlk abt u n its bad sad lah u r a good gal bt wat hapen...he gt a gf though so just chuse the right guy k???icnt even luk at u noe...i paiseh noe...

n su jng jealous i now will speak my mind to those gal out thr!!im nw gtin ready 4 a rough ride!!!!!YEAHHHHH BABYYYYYY

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