Feb 28, 2011

WOOHooo good day

yo!wake up at 8:)

then do a little hsewk...proceed to gym:)
it was fun:)

then ya was late for the movie:(raihan act siol and!the gal is hot:))(the actress of cos)

ok then they wanted to play bowling...since i nv watch 127hr b4 i kind of reli wan watch it...
so me hy n ben watch:)it was sad cuz we 3 onli haven watch:((

the in the cinema i kacau both to b my partner:)ben n my goin 1 yr ma then ya kind of "date"wink*
pity hy:P
wen the part the actor wanted to cut his hand one guy stand up n say,"i cant take it"
me n ben call out wtf gay!
damn all the gals ok w it n him nt><
me n ben was like cut cut cut cut...
ben kip on moanin in the cinema-.-
gd ting it was nt full..the cinema...

then ya go hm..thx ben n hy for sendin me to to mrt

Feb 26, 2011

"syukor's'' weddin:)

today met the guys(akhim,amir,niger n bala)b4 we proceed on to the weddin venue...which is the cc...

wen went up down n arnd the place cuz we cnt find a place to sit.it was fun bcuz one of the boys thr is known to hv kiss a guy n yai kip kacau him...

they wanted to watch movie but at last go niger hse which ya i nv follow.it was fun but im tired..

Feb 25, 2011

EXciting day!

hello!today gt sudden burst of hardworkin adrenaline in me.so i kind of did lots of hsewrk:)
also feel very holy which make me play the prayers cd...instead of the usual songs:)
i donoe wats wrong w me..

then at np i suddenli gt the mood to scold.its been a long time since i felt so...angry...so good.its like the rage in me just wan to take over.so i go to every squad n gt every little mistake even playin their finger abit also i angry.

then took the sec 3 drills.brought them down n ya one dear cadet was pulled out by ann.
just after i told the sec 3 tat ann is one of the ppl that actually help me up n just as i turn away from tat cadet being punished he actually stood up took out his freakin bracelet n put it on as if its brass knuckle-.-wen i turn it was tat time tat he kind of take one step forward to mayb attack ann?and out of instinct i kind of try separate him maybe cuz of the anger in me tat cadet flew ff n tumble over.n ya like b4 wen i c my enemy down i will wan to finish him off n good ting cyrus,james n ann stop me.i still wasnt happy but ann took over and act very professionally tat reli sumtin i don tink i wud do right after sumone threaten to whack which is why i respect ann alot.the cadet reli is one of the greatest cuz its othe second time i nearly whack him.the first was wen i was nco n xiangyi had to hold me.

lol wen the cyrus n james tell me tat the cadet seems so light wen i push it kind of motivate me to take pt.i took though its a little failure cu nt reli into v fun pt.prefer firm pt...

thx hy for passin me the choco

n ya happy bdae ann!like i told many others for me bdae gal or boy is the prince n princess of the day n hellno no one touch the bdae boy especially some1 so nice like ann:)oya tats y im nt into burfday bash:)

Feb 24, 2011

hi hi...

ytd wen back sch to relief...
took 3 n 4 diligence.

pri 3 so cute at first they like naughty..i told one boy to sit infront n he took his own sweet time.
i wen over carry his chair n tat too impress them especially tis very very naughty gal call young!
she came to me n cikgu u very strong.i like feel abit weird but said thx n told her to sit.
then wen i gt 15mins left i teach them to sing burunf kakak tua:)
they sang 4 mee two maalay song an yea it was touchin n the followin conversation w them goes like tis

me"class ur voice is like an angel!i love you guys man!thnk u so much!"
class"teacher we love you too"
me"ok i shall record your voice so tat i listen to it every night b4 i slp k?"
young"Eeeee dowan*hide under table"
me"young im nt goin to take a vid of u just record ur voice ok?"
young"oh paiseh:P"

then ya wen i told them i wont come bck they all come n say "we be very good teacher u cn come 10 hundred million time(don ask me y its tat number) pls"

at last i gt to go:'(

wen inside pri 4 n ya very very naughty.jasmine n gang kip gigglin n i was like damn irritated.but ya after the class the p4 ask me 4 number n fb which i cudnt reli gv out:'(

tdy...just PATHetic

Feb 22, 2011

final range duty?

woke up n did a little push up n sit up...

gt ready for range duty...

met amelia at bishan then come shazli...

n ya gwen n kenneth...
at cck met thinesh n so the range duty squad is ready..

s usual khaliesah n xin yi was thr...

we took the van(whr the bring prisoner arnd..)i was the last out n wen u pull the door clse it wen off!i was like wtfUCK!
i stood thr holdin the door which is hangin out.shazli n thinesh were like laughin their ass out n jokin i too strong today.we left the door danglin(cuz the lower part is still a little attached)we search for f.i.at last gt f.i ray:)
he was like laughin too n like how the f ew goin fix tis.i suddenli thought the idea of pushin the door back.so i whack it in n yeah it was fix!thats how easy prisoner cn run!

i was attached to the control room w thinesh though khaliesah kip cumin in to tlk:)
the range damn big compared to 2nd floor...

at last we gt to shoot.me thinesh n another chinese guy.i won:)all in nt even a single bullet out:))))

they want to eat tgt n i like ps cnt:P
gwen tot i mitin gf-.-

n ya gt hm bathe,eat n then check fb.we were like cyber bully...bully tis 1995 boy cuz he act smart...

Feb 20, 2011

me.i suck.

nv will i wan to be in tis position.

ytd i wen to ubin.was ok since i waws awkward till one sir name benson came to me.nice guy he is.

then gt one gal like reli flirty kind.i find her,...irritatin?:P


karma.tats wat john tell me.maybe.i use to wan make gal love me.now im like mad crazy in love.i dowan tat but i cnt stop tinkin.
dina say its the first time me im like tis.but i don tink so.
watever la.khalid khalid.

thx gal i love u.

Feb 18, 2011

hey!im thirsty!

wow i feel as if i m fasting....hmm...

today take sec 2 for lance corporal test.last day w them:(

hmm...tekan them abit cuz they kind of dissapointin:(

go hm.feelin tired.eat.use laptop.chat w shazli.he complainin how he had to make hi cadet hold up their hand for 10mins n teach them 2 hrs to kekanan lurus.

i look at myelf n reflect.
tat time i c myself.the flirt.nt serious abt relationship.
nw i look at myself.i tell myself im nt worthy of any relationship.
agin my pyschic ''power'' i right.mayb bcuz i was hurt?mayb bcum those that trust me w their love i kind of betray.
reli ppl i regret it.
mayb its bcuz i kip telin myself tat i wud b alone in future.yeah i kind of close w gals till bt nt like b4.
hy n me...we v v v..weird.i donoe how say.still.
wan yu one special lady tat f me off for wat im doin.all i cud say was sori.
oh me n wan yu is nt couple.she f me off for wat im doin to...cough*

ok.mayb also bcuz...i dowan my cadets to hv relationship?
khalid khalid...mepek eh

Feb 14, 2011

love..is in the hair...

haloe!today woke up n ya do hsewrk then gt ready to go out w hy:)
i nv reli celebrate valentine...so hy is free we go out tgt:)

erm..go suntec...donoe wat to do so want catch a movie:)
but the eng wah sucks man

sori eng wah.

hy was nice to entertain me.i like a boys home boy bcum childish:P

it was good n yeah met jayraj w his gf.hy gt to c how good lukin he is:0hehe
met wei sheng too at arcade
play ufo catcher:)i kind of owned the place man!
i gt a wats tat ting name?donoe la tis big alien bear n ya i wanted gt a second one so tat i gt one n hy gt one.
bt another couple try to gt it.they suck at it
so i told them how to win one.
nv listen so they nv win.i took over n w tat i won!wei sheng damn shock!his gf was like wow.
i gt xtra token.wanted gt one for his gf bt didnt gt:P

met mr sgn too on mrt haha tat guy joker

thx man to wei sheng,his gf jess,sgn,jayraj,adiba(jay gf) n ya to HYRIAH!

oya..love is in the AIR

botak in da hse!

supp dawg!


alor of ppl ask y:)
tis is y:)
so gals gt scare off n wont tell me to go on a valentine date w them:))

thx to those hu wish:)

its been a great week:)
i feel reborn

back to np.bowen:)

went for ''adenture'' w family:)

saw two wild boar.they kind of stop in front of our car n dash away:)
thr was also a police car tat tail us.it came close at the highway.then wen we go mandai(the place like gt notin)n we realise the police car is followin us.it was fun.cuz they didnt want to lose us:))

after so far we lose them.it was fun cuz we knew they follow uswe went to place tat shudnt we go in.n yea:))

saw sumtin erm...xtraordinary?supernatural nt reli but ya.it was scary.especially wen my dad wen real fast went we all saw it...

ok th:)

hapi valentines:)
u know me n furious 5 tlk abt tis...i told them i flirted alot n i c myself w no one in future:)
n i cn c it comin wen i sign up u s.a.f:)

Feb 8, 2011

good n bad

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Feb 3, 2011

super super shiok day

first a hapi hapi chinese new year to all my chinese frends:)

well today my family too had reunion....my dad side...n was held at east coast park:)

its was super fun n thr was hyriah n safree(sis bf) along w us:))

though saf nv reli mix w us:P

me my lilsis n bro reli had fun w hy...we play "parkour",throw rocks,draw n ya took lots of pic tgt:)
hy was reli fun:)

oya we bike too...me n hy on the two paddle while my lil sis on the individual bike...while ridin i scare hy by tryin to fall...we saw tis giant spider too!GIANT!
n ya then the accident hapen:(i gt too close too sis rear wheel n we collide.i gt to jump out in time but i hurt my leg.but hy was pitiful.since she was my 'pillion' she gt stuck:(

oya the brake broke too!hy say we will hv to pay n hellno i noe im nt goin to.
went to the bike shop.(told hy im goin do a little drama)
i met the guy n told the guy to call the boss.then i make a scene-..-wasnt reli needed bt ya.
at first it was ok cuz im actin until hy told me to relax.then ''sumone'' asked from bhind"wat happen boy"(he touch me)i push the hand n hit the guy cap.i turn n realise tat it was my uncle-.-

so ya we no nid pay n ya it was fun.hy i tink first time saw tat:P

the rest of the day was fun fun fun.love today alot!

thank hy too for being a good sportwoman:P