Dec 31, 2010

2011 is comin:)

hey happy new yr in advance yeah?

hope u ppl have had a wonderful o 10 n will have a better 2011:)

sori to all if i piss u off tis yr:)

i'll try b better in 2011:)

o level student lets pray all of us get good marks aites:)

Dec 30, 2010

2nd last day to 2011

yeah last parade trainig:)

tiring but shiok!though got scolding we had fun cuz we laugh more then we r piss!i change my position w jay n he is damn blur!

change to our number 1 u today:)nice:)))ppl still call me pc.n ya joke abt it alot:)

oya i also must shout a command for the c.i to hear...i donoe y..
n ya one guy from ahmad ibrahim came to me to ask me for tips to i did gv him s he teach me how to polish b4....

hey good nite.cya nex yr

Dec 29, 2010

kind of to b quick in update..

hey i got into goh...wan fall out but they say pc cnt...:P

kind of a good experience so far though it is reli reli reli tiring...but ya.
the frendship part n the tings learnt there cnt b bought.

i kind of hv ppl to go to cck w me i hv kah haw n kumaran to go hm w me.
mei qi also wan.n ya wen i go sch i mit either of them or bryan:)

its funny how shazli tell arnd abt me being special...
u c i observe that alot of comander or i.c like to gv kekanan in r.c(like few weeks ago)i didnt use it instead i use betulkan barisan.everyone was caught off guard.n since then betulkan barisan is my i did it again cuz they wanted me to bcum last they hate it since i gv them tukar langkah for the whole parade:P

f.i dominic also like to kacau that im not use to rifle n hv to tell the c.i to gv me sword.ut ya kinda love the feelin in the squad:) gtg nw!

Dec 19, 2010


hey today come cck early...

mit others n ya they were like wa p.c here n there..

practice wet weather.under 24hrs i hv to learnt 3 parade sequence was kinda tough...

f.i azri was nice.
hmm last min changes here n thr confuse me....n him...

ok to make tings short...i change to number one uniform.put on the mike.n ya im off to go.i pai seh say tis but cool le wlk arnd w number one u w mike...

one o.c i tink was wlkin arnd.n there the c.i.i at the coridor was shakin n gvin me motivation.
alot of other c.i.t trainee came to me to like just shake hand n wish me luck.sum even hug haha.

maam were great beside me always.kinda like my p.a.

at the tunnel few photographer was bhind me askin the c.i.i who was the p.c.wen they ans its me.fuyyoooh their camera big n small all take pic.i was blinded man!

at last i march out.draw sword n ya.parade start.soon keng sir gv me his rank.ya kinda proud moment bcuz wearin soon keng sir rank n parents puttin the rank 4 me.

i cockup but after the parade all c.i.i n f.i come to me n congratulate me.i donoe if they dowan make me sad but ya except for f.i azri hu said alamak u nv salute i bedal u then u noe.
other comment were awesome!

li ling man was cute cuz she told me that i hv gotten popular cuz alot of the female instructor r goin gaga over me?
one female c.i.i cuter.she came to me n ask,''cn i shake ur hand?''i was like duh of cuz.i was the onli p.c.i thr w all the c.i.i n f.i.the h.o over thr also say i was great n was me go npap.

inside harmony hall was crazy.ppl went eh parade commander take pic w me.some play tug n war w me.rippin me mum was like khalid u flirt so much ah?
its was just bcuz some gals go call me boyfrend n some wen on to hug.some even say i hot-.-

the hot part reli make me paiseh cuz wen other guys heard it.i got to take pic w her-.-

some wen a little overboard cuz infront other o.c go hug n ya.even some o.c abit childish.i donoe the power of p.c but i tink it is reli powerful.

ya lots of hug.praises n ya.happy today.thx to all:)muackx

Dec 17, 2010

at last the result:)

hey!today come a little late for selection.we had to choose hu go first n then ya i wen last.right after i march out i gt to go back to unity square.n then soon keng sir say aiyah u noe hu pc la k.khalid congrats u p.c.fuuyoh!

i took charge n ya f.i were nice.
did mistake here n there.

ppl were H.O came to me n say ur woc is great.i wen thx maam:Pn she added u got a sweet smile hahah!
i donoe y but the c.i.i thr all like close n nice to me.
jiamin especially!i love her man!she came to me.tlk n then patted my back n i like the way she tlk n smile it gv me motivation:)
c.i.i firdaus is new face thr but ya v nice to me.he n li ling maam were bside me n gvin me tips:)haha
got tis c.i.i too came to me n asked which sch i from n he noe sharina:)

but then again being parade commander is stressful.
lets hope i do well tmr ya.

went hm late cuz mr song(assistant cord),f.i n c.i.i all sit w me n tlk.i feel weird being thr cuz i like xtra

then wen at mrt tis gal smile to me.i smile bck.i tink i noe her but yet i i ask whr she goin n she said serangoon.mayb she from bowen?
wen she wan alight i ask if she noe me cuz i don rmb her but she said!
yup love today:)

Dec 16, 2010

at last ubin finish

heyyo!i miss singapore!hehe.was at ubin 4
4 scolded alot of times

ok cnt reli tel wat hapen so much but i cn share few significant moment:)

first.i took day number pt.well ppl tink im so fit:Pn some wasnt happy w the ''intense'' pt.they r pussy.however it was nice that some ppl came up to me n say i did great.wen some1 complain that i too stern i was like ok that is it.i got my hate group.but then tis angelic gal stand up n defended 4 me:)))thank you so much:)))

ok...then came the game whr we play jumping tutu(its jumping jack but the timin have to change to whr all even number r subtituted but it goes sumtin like 1-tutu-3-tutu,tutu-tutu-tut3-tutu,4-tutu-3-tutu....)its seems easy but reli it takes ur breath our goal was to beat the best timin which was till 19 team(superman)did 25.
the i.c then sent two ''fittest'' boys n tell us to sent our best fittest boys to challenge.the first ting i did was to sabo ppl.but then the whole group was shoutin 4 me.peng ning my i.c step up n said he willl do it w me.i was like sori not fit.everyone went bullshit!u must go.pity peng ning abit cuz i took the limelight...the i.c did their best n reach 19 n peng ning did 57 which peng ning stop n i go on s my ''cheerleaders'' were cheering me on.i own them:)

nite came...(fast forward last nite at ubin)we sat n did our team briefing...we tlk abt how the f.i n some c.i had the special aura in them...n guess wat?my c.i.i said tis''havin an aura wen u wlk n donnin the uniform is difficult but i cn tell u sometin.khalid has the most aura i have ever seen.for example u cn c how he puff out his chest wen he don the uniform"...n then go all the wolf whisltlin...n i also shared my share abt some c.i from bowen that inspire me.n i got around of applause cos i added that i wan to change some1 life:P

oya at 1230hrs(2nd nite) we got to rush out from tent n got lectured...sad ting we were called names by some1 up..but good ting was that wen he actualli back me n my fellow pti:)))))was hapi man:)his speech was so good that for the rest of the camp it was the trend joke:)my fb has it:P

oya third nite campfire was scolded bcuz we act smart:P

last day today was better:)we stand in a circle n the closin speech was given.which touch my heart.then comes the givin out of collar pin to those to put it...good?
but ya.i tot i would not get it...but then jiamin maam came to me pull me aside n give me the pin,.was it an honour gettin it from assistant cord?yes.she was so nice n so...lovely that i just hold her hand.(not love type k)

n ya c.i.i wlk arnd n best part was that most of them gv me praises.some were;"u r 1 of our best i.c for parade.go for p.c''
''u r very very good.keep it up.i want to c u at the parade''
but the nice one was lovell wen he shook my hand look at me in the eyes for 2 second n told me i m very very very proud of u.
thr r other comments too that said my peers r bad but its a good ting i don join them:P

so after we arrive at changi we went to eat at white kacau some gals.told guys guys joke n yeah we had a great time.mrt we took all the space n ya chanel had to pull me last min out from the closin mrt door cuz i wanted to shake everyone hand.then she scolded me cuz she wan take the next mrt la today.

tmr will be p.c selection.out of 136 c.i.t.its down to 3 of us.the o call best in parade.hope i get p.c.pray 4 me:)but if i don...too bad then.haha.though i would owe alot of ppl alot of tings.

oya we took pictures w teen titans.we were at 3 floor n shouted the teen titan song n the emcee call us down to take pic tgt.we nidded receipt n wen we said we just hv mcdonald's they just accept it:)cool right!

Dec 12, 2010

gt to make a quick update

ytd was selection 4 contigent comander n parade comander.ppl say i good i tink i did shit.

yts also go beach road n thr i met other bravos.all got excited.joey was like khalid!i miss u!haha.i was like we just met ytd?...of course we were jokin arnd
didnt c suhana at first w fishball till suhana call me from bhind:Phaha love them!

today goin aunty hse haha.tmr ubin till thurs then gt parade trinin then pop!hardcore madness!damn tired every1 wud b i tell u.haha today whole day smsin milo boy:)n im milo noi to him...

haha wat i find funny is tat tis course alot of guys wan b my closest frend?like thr r others like frends r but thr r special one that wan b by my side all the time till that time shazli nearli fight w jay cuz he book me but at last jay tell him to sit w other ppl cuz jay wan sit w me.then nw gt thinesh.n then the jason(he my ''buddy at the selection cos he wan w me onli)was weird cos i nv sit w him w thr was n empty sit bside him.i went bhind n sit n he came all the way n tell me walao dowan sit w i?

lol love cibtc ppl:)both gal n guys!


Dec 10, 2010

Pulau Ubin

heyyo today must reach changi ferry terminal at 8.was shock to meet jared n others otw...ate thr n then some ppl we had to rush...-.-

it was like mornin pt at ubin man...

then today abit slack ah cuz i onli do flagstaff n then discuss n tlk.flagstaff was jay n thinesh plus amirul was in one group.the peg wen all wrong n since got no time(its a competition anw) i tell jay to whack the peg in w hand since he wan look 4 peg.wen he saw how easy i do it we 3 start doin peg.ours came up first i tink...thr were others too but they nv finish.i proud to say i tink my group was near 100% perfect.
so we wen arnd to help other bravo squadmates.wen i help eunice to hold the spar 4 her we end up takin pic tgt haha

then go back singapore take taxi to mosque.i slpt thr-.-

wen we cum back everytin finish except discussion on group is trainin n im in charge of pt:)damn shiok.we play chapteh made from mother nature.
ok basicly we had fun.tmr suppose go ubin but i got test at hta...arh...

oya some ppl actualli dowan me bcum pti cuz i told them my minimum wud be 20 push up n they start complainin bunkmate milo boy also not hapi...wen last nite at hq wen we were havin tlk cock session in the dark he told me to fight w him push up.if i lose i will make pt i told him "u do two hand push up.20 straight.or at least follow my pace.i will do one hand.''...wen we go down tgt he stop at 17 n i continue to do 20:) bragin haha.but ya wen i wear my nite singlet i tot wan show off gals but instead got molested buy guys left right n chest-.-
then oya today i told them i wont b eatin w them n they start to try n tell me to eat w them sayin they blanja all that but ya at lst i go off:)haha nice we start again?

all the way from camp site to jetty i try to lead on 3 cheers?n its fun:)
Bravo oi!oi!
bravo bravo!sat sat lovell!/soon keng!/booyah!
bravo....booyah!(n all reply BOOYAH!)

Dec 9, 2010

end of RC2 after the up n down

wat hapen tis wik?first day wen v lunch i receive an sms.a bad prediction wen uncle gave up.but way too early.i broke down at hta.but ya thx to all those that came to me n gv me letter,hug,comfortin hand n encouragin words.especially my milf academy.i cn say the r like the replica of furious 5...except the foundin member r 4 of us n we recruited two ppl.

jiamin maam were nice.i gt to c her cool uncle right after being buries i nv wen bck 4 the doa doa.i go straight to hq...

it was good then especially wen my gayraj is always disturbin haha.

n then the news come out.the so call ''best'' 16 out of 130plus cadet inpector trainee was chosen...i was one of them.while others watch movie we were whackin hard on sword drills.alot of ppl then came to me tellin me i cn do it n make it to top 4.but i noe i serious.the good part was that wen i say i tink i cnt do it they rub my back n say lets not put pressure on u...just do ur best n represent days n i gt their trust.thx ppl

then today was reli a long day.from lights on to bunk out we were in full u-.-
i become ''hero'' 4 bravo wen one of the c.i.i thr got crumblin down in pain.i was the onli bugger that ran out of squad to catch was quite dramatic.especially wen he cried n told me to take over to count the m16.that wat i call passion 4 np.after takin over 4 him.i gain confidence n took charge of the batch.leadin them out off rain.

but then the drill ASSesment went wrong.the ma'am seems to tekan us instead of testin us.i got stiches but then just try to live w last my anger took the better of me.i show attitude n nearly got fight w a batchmate inside the toilet.good ting shazli pull me.haix.then came shootin.the first shot went i DONOE WHR cuz i was like tryin aim n then BAM!one guy shoot n since i got shock i also fire...but i tink overall i did ok.but wont get best shooter award...

oya we M.A also start the BOOYAH!haha fun!i love the RC...

Dec 3, 2010

bunk out today!

hey bunk out today:)miss me?haha

what exactly hapen is alot

but just to let u noe.tis was the first time i reli i home sick.i wanted break down.maybe bcuz i tink too much...

first day was a little slack.our c.i.i is very nice:)
first day wasnt reli good cuz the frends i made on day zero is not in my bravo squad:(
then i made frends w tis 1.9m tall guy.thinesh.he is a gentle giant.then came in jayraj.the good lookin guy.i mean im not gay but cn la he quite cool...then we 3 were stuck like glued tgt but then came tis botak jones!name shazli came to us n make frends.he is pretty smart chubby guy w good sense of humour.he called jay MILF n then we find it cool.the first 2 days we four we un-seperate-able.we always are the 4 first one to q to eat but last to volunteer:P

but at last we didnt gt momentum goin we no longer was the first guy...
then wen we ice break get to noe FISHBALL!APPLE!fishball is reli cute.she is w rox clique n like callin me garlic!made frends reli fast i did.dylon(dancer boy wanted to join us)amirul the joker too join us on the 4th day:)

basicly the cibtc was ok.the 3rd day was a little tirin cuz we slp at 12 n wake up at 5 everyday n on wednesday thr is 10hrs our drill session.jay the gay boy got cramp n thinesh tore his pants!

jay saw this gal we call her shisha.quite cute.n i kacau her abit la.(she donoe abt it)
yjay wen we havin lecture was so bored that he play the flame game.i got frends w the shisha in that game n he laugh so much.(the game u all noe right?)

then tis chanel gal quite cute too bcum frends w me n the milf academy damn f up.she kip cumin n doin the sword drill w me:Pppl wan take pic i holdin sword haha.n some tot i did sword drill b4 as i help the c.i teach...

its fun la.but ya we learnt alot.not thr to flirt.
last day i woke up late!good ting cn do tings fast!